🌹scolding a grownup🌹

Start from the beginning

''You don't have to! Saying his name in a warning tune is enough sometimes. You do fucked up shit and every time you apologise, Harry forgives you in the blink of an eye. Harry is human too, so he makes mistakes. Why can't you forgive him?''

Louis gaze fell to his feet, which were awkwardly rubbing over one another. When he looked back up at Ethan, he had tears brimming his blue eyes.

''There's absolutely no excuse for doing these kinds of things to him, Lou.'' Ethan said, voice a little softer than before. ''Harry is never going to submit to you as Charlie did. If you can't accept that, you need to let go of Harry and find someone else. This is not fair for Harry.''

''No! N-No, I can't lose him. I don't expect him to be Charlie! I'm terrified that he will leave so I tried disciplining him which is so wrong, I know! I don't want to lose him. I lo-ve him so much!'' Louis hiccuped.

''Then show him! Not by saying the three big words or by having vanilla sex with him. Show him that you'd do anything for him.''

The 25- year-old nodded and took a deep breath, wiping his eyes. Louis grabbed his coffee mug from the table and took a sip from the hot liquid.

''I know how easy going Charlie was but this is Harry we're talking about. He's a broken and fragile boy. He's obviously not going to sit back and allow you to order him around like this. Not to mention that Charlie cheated on you. Don't you think you should be over that dickhead by now?''

''I know. Shit, I know!'' Louis yelped, placing his head in his hands as he shook it.

''I need you to remember that Harry trusts you with his life. If you manage to ruin that it's over. No apologies, no flowers, no kisses. Just done. You've gone to a school for this, Louis. You know damn well how to treat a submissive. Charlie was obedient but he was definitely not the right first sub for you. And hell, he was not a good boyfriend.''

Louis nodded and took a deep breath, looking at Ethan again.

''So I can't punish him then?''

''Of course, you can. But you can't punish him for showing emotions or for having a normal human reaction to something. He has to follow your rules, like no swearing or don't touch yourself and when he doesn't follow them you can punish him. Punishments are never really punishments though. A sub has to like them at least a little bit.''

Louis nodded. He wanted to be better. For himself but mostly for Harry.

''Go through the list of rules and punishments again. When he first saw that, he just escaped that ridiculous bidding house you got him from. He was overwhelmed and couldn't really think straight.'' Ethan explained.

It sounded so logical to Louis. Harry didn't even know what bdsm was like or what he had to do to be a good sub.

''But what did I do wrong when he was a little yesterday? Besides nearly yelling him. That was stupid-''

''It was outrageous.'' Ethan cut him off, glaring at his friend.

''It really was.'' The dom muttered.

''Louis. Do you swear or scream when your younger brother and sister are around?''

''No! Of course, not!'' Louis said defensively.

''Then why do you swear and yell around Harry?''

''Because he's eighteen. He's not a small child anymore. Like, I know he feels three but he still knows about all the other things, right? Like everything he's learned in his life, no?"

Ethan's jaw dropped. ''You think that- Oh, Louis...'' He stammered, chuckling afterwards.

Louis shrunk into himself. He unmistakably said something wrong because Ethan was shaking his head disapprovingly.

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