30. Epilogue (Edited)

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My whole body is aching and the floor is hard under me. Darkness surrounds me as I open my eyes. My body, cold from the unknow place I'm in.

"I can't believe you're actually gone," a familiar voice says from above me.

"Who are you?" I say but my voice is only a whisper.

"I shouldn't have let you leave. I should have made you stay home with me, maybe then you would still be reading books while I watch tv on the couch," the women sobs.

"Help me," I croak out but she doesn't seem to hear me.

"I guess this is goodbye. You better wait for me on the other side," she says before small steps fill my ears. 

What do I do now? I don't even know where I am. Will anyone come for me? Will anyone save me?


A month later:

"What are you? Get away from me!" The man yells out while running away from me.

It's funny to watch them run. How pathetic people look as they run like they can get away or how they plead for their life.

"Ah, am I that hideous? I didn't think I would scare a tough guy like you," I tease while chasing after him.

He continues to run but little does he know that I'm just driving him into a corner so I can capture my prey. Stupid, stupid man.

"Shit," he yells out as my plan works and he's stuck in between two buildings.

"Well, well, Well, nowhere to run now. Are you scared?" I laugh as he looks around frantically.

"What the hell are you?" He questions, fear evident in his voice.

"Are you in any position to question me?" I ask and he grows silent. "Now, how does it feel to be hunted?"

"Please don't kill me. I have a family, I have kids," he pleads but little does he know, I don't give a shit. The only thing I care about is the delicious red liquid running through his veins.

"Oh don't worry. It will be painless and then you'll be living a whole new life. Doesn't that sound nice?" I ask, taking steps towards him.

"I don't want a new life! Please ma'am, spare me," he says and takes steps backwards.

"Ma'am? Do I look that old? Damn maybe being undead isn't the right choice," I hum to myself, knowing I'm just prolonging the inevitable. Just playing with my prey.

"Please, think about my kids. Do you even have a heart?" He yells out as if it would matter.

"I don't believe I do. Want to check for me?" I coo to him, making him even more anxious.

"You don't want me. I'm just a low life photographer. I'm no use to you," he pleas and I chuckle.

"That's not your decision to make," I grumble before moving closer to him.

As I get closer, he moves farther back until he's pressed against the wall of a building. I'm almost on top of him before he lunges down and grabs a metal pipe and jabs it straight into my chest. Heat travels down my body and begins dripping down my legs and makes a puddle.

"I guess this does mean you have a heart, fucking demon," he growls out.

I decide to humor him and start gasping and looking up at him with disbelief in my eyes. A smile grows across his lips as he watches my fake struggle to stay alive.

"Die bitch!" He growls.

I look down at my chest and notice his hand is still attached to the pipe and he's pressing it further into my chest. I grab hold of his arm and twist it until I hear a snap and an agonizing scream.

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