13. I don't want you getting hurt

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Image: Reign Forbes

The first part of this chapter is very boring. Just some extra information about Blake and his family. Another character is added in this chapter. Have fun and show support!

Dylan's POV :

When Amanda entered the room, I could tell she was on edge. Her whole body was tense and she looked uncomfortable.

"Are you ok?" I ask while she sits next to me on the bed. She puts her head in her hands and sighs loudly.

"So he can only do one thing to help me," she said, keeping her head in her hands.

"And? What can he do?" I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me.

"He can make my blood not smell. No vampire will be able to smell me if I bleed," she huffs. I knew this wouldn't really help with our problem but it helps nonetheless.

"What's the catch?" I say with a straight face. I knew by the way she was acting that something was wrong. That something there was something.

"Well, he said that it will hurt and that the magic will boil my blood but besides that there is no catch," she cuddled into me while telling me. I knew there was something else going on but she wasn't telling me it.

We cuddled until she fell asleep. I put her body under the blankets and kissed her head. I had one mission and that was to figure out what was exactly going to happen to her.

I make my way down the hallway to Blake's office. Once I get there I throw the doors open. He was at his desk sorting through papers while a women sat on his desk. She was wearing a long white dress and had her red hair up in a bun.

"We need to talk," my voice boomed as the women jumps off his desk and stares at me.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise," the lady says as she straightens her dress while keeping her black eyes on me. "I didn't think you would bring me a snack," she says as she runs at me. Her fangs dart out from her gums as she jumps for me.

I could tell she was a young vampire. Her moves were very slow for one. When she was close enough I grab her throat and pin her to the wall with one hand. The look of surprise was evident on her face as she realizes what just happened.

"Watch who you go after young one," I growl at her. It's very surprising to see Blake with another vampire but then again he's letting me and my human/pure blood girlfriend stay here.

"Put her down, Dylan. If you need to talk to me then let's talk," he says rising from his seat. I look over my shoulder to meet eyes with Blake and I could see his pleading expression.

I drop the girl and walk over to Blake and take a seat in front of him. "Who is she?" I ask.

"That is Reign Forbes, she's the vamp that was involved with my brother. As you can see, she has completely let go of her humanity and thinks she can just strut in here like she owns the place," he hisses at her. I could feel the tension rising in the room between the two.

"I've come to talk to you about important business! You turning me away will only cause more stress on the family," she snaps back at him.

"There is no family! After my brothers death and you running away, there is only me," he yells while standing up. I could see the anger building up in him. Only time will tell before he loses it and kills her.

"That's where you're wrong! I never ran away, I was with my family in Germany. I loved your brother but after his death I didn't know what to do. I only came to you because we have an issue that involves both of us!" She said with venom laced words. Blake rubs his face and looks at her with an expression that could kill.

Bloodlust (18+)(Book One)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن