16. Ill be home soon my love

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Image: Riki Lee

Amanda's POV:

All I see is darkness besides the light coming from under the door. It's so cold yet my head feels hot.

I hear mumbling coming from under the door from a woman. I don't hear anyone else so I'm guessing she's on the phone.

I hear a crash and then light floods the room I'm in. The women steps in but I can't tell who it is.

"Who are you?" I question and move to a standing position.

Suddenly everything is clear and her face is visible but I can't believe my eyes. She has much longer hair and red eyes but she's- she's-

"Oh honey, I'm you," is all she says before fangs pop out of her gums and she jumps at me.


I gasp as I wake up from my dream. All of that seemed way to real but in the end it was all a Dream.

I pull myself out of bed and take a cold shower to fully wake myself up. I wash quickly and throw on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt.

I rush to Blake's office but before I enter I catch the sight of the red headed girl from before.

"I don't think I've fully introduced myself, I'm Reign Forbes," she's says and extends her hand to me.

"Ummm, I'm Amanda," I say as I shake her hand.

"So, tell me exactly why you're here. Are you here to steal Blake away from me or are you here to use him?" Her gaze turns rigid and her hand begins to crush mine.

I don't know what is going on with this lady but she sure is crazy. Whatever it is, I'm not going to let her intimidate me.

"Neither actually. I'm here because Blake owes my boyfriend a favor and I need help with something. Now if you'll excuse me," I say as I snatch my hand away from her and ignore the shooting pains in my hand.

I walk into Blake's office and rush to find him but he's nowhere to be found. The emptiness has completely consumed me and now my hand feels like it's broken.

"Sorry honey but he's not here right now. But I'll keep you company, if you'd like," she says as a nasty smile wraps her cheeks.

"Where is he?" I question while looking into Reigns eyes. Her smile disappears into a straight line.

"Here and there but you don't have to worry about that. I can help you out with whatever you need but first I want to know a little about you," she says with a wink.

"And what do you want to know?" I ask while taking a cautious step forward. Something about her is pure evil.

"What are you?" She asks directly. I know I can't trust her with the secret of what I am.

"Human," I answer sternly.

"You're a liar. I know you have more than that to you, I can sense it, she says while pointing at her nose.

"But the spell?" I whisper to myself. How can this be when a spell was put on me to make sure vampire can't sense me?

"Oh yes, the spell. Blake didn't tell you shit did he? Well I guess I'll explain," she says while taking a seat on Blake's desk.

"The spell does block out the senses of other vampires but only the low rank ones," she giggles.

"What do you mean by low rank?" I question and take another step towards her.

Bloodlust (18+)(Book One)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin