24. My Pureblood

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Amanda's POV:

"What are you?" He asks again with venom laced words.

I am completely panicking at this point. I feel like I can't breathe even if I'm hyperventilating. What will happen to me? Will he kill Dylan for keeping it a secret? Will he? Will he?

A deep growl pulls me from my thoughts and back to him, "Don't make me repeat myself!"

"I'm human," I whisper out, trying not to piss him off even more.

"Bullshit!" He yells while pulling my hair to make me look him in the face.

A small whimper escapes my throat as I hear some of my hair snap from his pulling. I have to find a way out of this but all I can think about is what's going to happen to Dylan.

"Dylan," barely passes my lips before I'm torn away from Diego and pulled into muscular arms.

I look up into his eyes as he looks down on my frail figure, sadness flashing trough his golden orbs. His face is stern when he looks back up at Diego.

"Care to explain?" Diego asks while watching Dylan and I closely.

Dylan doesn't move but to only put his eyes on me, "She isn't human," he finally admits.

I hold my breath, expecting the worst to happen but no one moves. I look over at Diego who looks completely confused. His eyebrows cocked while blinking a little.

"What is she?" He asks while leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed.

"She's my pureblood," he says and exhales right after.

I can tell he's exhausted by the way his body is slouching, his eyes are glassy and red. I'm so sorry Dylan. I wish I could get us out of this and safe but I'm not strong enough. You'll be safe soon.

"That's impossible. Purebloods have almost been wiped out and now you're trying to tell me that a human can somehow be a pureblooded vampire?" He asks.

I knew everything sounded a little to good to be true but why would we lie about this? Why would we lie when our lives are on the line?

"It's possible, she's living proof," he says and combs his fingers through my hair.

I could tell Diego was at a stand still on what to do. He just kept his eyes on me, thinking about probably what he's going to do. He shook his head and opened the door, ordering Dylan to leave but Dylan stayed still for a moment. I knew he wouldn't leave without me. And so he didn't leave by himself, he made sure I am with him and doesn't let me go until I'm in a new room.

With the door shut and locked, we seemed to stay still for a long time. The only time we move was to sit on the bed with me still in his arms. I turn to where I'm straddling him but he just continues to hide his face in my neck.

"Look at me," I coo to him while placing a finger under his chin.

He looks up and sadness overwhelms me. He looks completely defeated like he's been battling the same opponent for to long, with no avail.

"I'm never letting you go," he says and snuggles back into my neck, placing soft kisses.

"I don't want you to ever let me go," I admit as tears spring to my eyes.


Life has gotten too complicated but none of it matters when I'm in his arms. The whole world seemed to stop as the cool touch of his skin against mine sends a chill over my skin and the light touch of his fingertips sends goosebumps down my spine. Everything about this man has me over the edge and I can't see myself without him.

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