Was I Worth It?

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That day flashed through my mind violently. It took everything in me not to cry. I clearly remember his words that day and I will never forget them.

"Was I worth it Allura? Was I?" Those words will forever haunt my entire life. The raw emotion in his voice made me break down.

He went through a lot and everyone just made it worse. We only found out he left, the following day.

We have no clue where he went or if he is even alive. He never deserved to go through all of that pain. That wasn't what hurt the most though.

It's the fact that he returned. He returned only for one thing. To truly say goodbye.

"Keith! You're here!" I remember hearing that being yelled and walked over to it. Keith stood there with Pidge staring at him.

The rest of the team made their way over. The silence that followed was deafening. "I'm not here to return. I'm here to truly say goodbye." An uproar. "Why?" "You can't leave us!" "What's going on?"

He sighed and glared at everyone, "It's for the better. The war us over, I'm not needed for the team anymore." I stayed silent wanting him to explain. He didn't.

After everyone calmed down and left, he looked at me. He walked closer, "I'm sorry Allura." I shook my head, "I admit I'm confused but it's your choice." He nodded and stared at me. Suddenly I felt a pressure on my lips. My eyes widened and I saw he was kissing me.

I kissed back and I knew it would be the only kiss we ever share. He pulled away and walked away. I took a deep breath and when he was out of sight, fell onto my knees.

Now as I stand looking at the lions, it hurts. I don't think it won't ever not hurt. He did what he though was right.

The question of was he ever worth it. The answer is of course, he was. He just never believed that he was.

He is terribly missed by everyone here.

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