Pregnancy Reveal

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I looked over to Keith and sighed.

I have yet to tell him I am pregnant.

It is very nerve racking to have to do that.

My heart was beating faster and faster with each passing minute.

I took a deep breath and stood up.

I approached him and took his hands into mine.

"Keith... I have something to tell you." 

He looked concerned but nodded.

Taking another deep breath, I put his hands onto my stomach.

"Keith, you are going to be a father."

His eyes widened and went silent.

I was worried, worried that maybe he didn't want to be a father.

He smiled at me.

I smiled back and then I got lifted up into the air.

He put me down and I smiled once again.

He pulled me closer to him and kissed me.

I kissed him back and the we parted.

Everything was perfect.

He was perfect.

"Allura, I love you and our child."

I smiled and just hugged him.

He hugged back and we stayed like that for awhile.

For the time being we won't tell the others.

We want this go be our private little secret for now.

If our child is a girl we will name her Kaelin and if they are a male we will name him Aiden

End of one shot. This is a shorter one shot. Also more one shots are coming but my break will be ending soon and I won't have another one until the last day of school.


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