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Today I was going to propose to Allura.
I was very nervous thinking she might say no.
Someone came into the room I was in.
I looked at who it was and saw my mom.
She looked at me and smiled.
"Keith, stop worrying, she is going to say yes."
"How can you be so sure though?"
She looked surprised and sighed.
"I have seen the way you guys are together."
I closed my eyes and let out a breath.
My mom hugged me and I hugged back.
What would I do if Allura said no?
Then I realized something.
What if she is still in love with Lotor?
I can't compete with him if she does.
I left the room with my mom yelling my name.
I bumped into Hunk.
He looked at me and saw my worried face.
"Keith, is everything alright."
I stayed silent and Pidge joined us.
They knew I was planning on proposing to Allura.
"What... what if she still loves Lotor and I was just a rebound."
They looked at me in surprise.
"Keith... Allura doesn't think of you as just a rebound."
I heard Pidge say but I looked at her.
"How can you be sure?"
Hunk sighed and said, "because Keith we have seen the way she is with you."
I don't believe them.
They are trying to not make me even more upset about being the rebound.
She is still in love with Lotor she has to be.
I walked away from them and kept on leaving.
I'm not proposing at all she will only say no.
I bumped into Coran and he saw how I was.
"Keith what is wrong?"
I forced myself to look at him.
He stroked his mustache and sighed.
"You are lying."
I looked away from him and left.
I didn't want to deal with everyone at this point.
I am just a rebound for Allura.
She is going to break up with me soon enough.
I mean why would someone as perfect as her love me.
I wouldn't blame her if she still was in love with Lotor.
I bumped into someone else and tried to walk away.
They grabbed my arm and forced me to stay.
I noticed everyone besides Allura was there.
Not wanting to do anything I looked down to the floor.
They all forced me to look up and I noticed Lance was there with anything determined look on his face.
"Keith, is it true yoy think yoy are just a rebound," he asked.
I nodded and kept silent.
"Keith, if you were just a rebound do you think the relationship would have lasted for 3 years. Do you believe that if she didn't love you she would have stayed for that long?"
I stayed silent.
"I would know what a rebound is because I have had family who were a rebound."
I looked down again.
There was someone walking towards us and everyone got quiet.
I heard Allura's voice break through the silence.
"Are you okay?"
I looked up to see the team looking at each other.
"Princess, if you could kindly excuse all of us because we have something important to talk about to Keith."
She looked confused and asked, "Why am I not needed for that?"
Before she even said that everyone was already gone.
Once they got far enough away from her while they talked.
She wouldn't be able to interrupt.
"How can you all be so sure that she isn't still in love with Lotor."
Lance stepped forward.
"Keith, why would she still be in love with Lotor?"
I took a deep breath.
"I don't know maybe because he is near perfect and I'm not. He is an emperor and I'm not. He is everything I am not."
They all looked shocked and hugged me.
Lance's voice broke through, "Allura, loves you for everything you are... she doesn't care if you all are perfect or an emperor."
I sighed and nodded.
I trust them but I'm still nervous.
"Today is the day to propose to her."
They all looked glad to see me not upset anymore.
We all hugged and Allura came in.
"What was happening here?"
Everyone looked around before I spoke.
"I was worried about something but don't worry Allura I am fine now."
She looked confused but hugged me.
I hugged back just glad to have her in my arms.
"Allura, how about we land on a planet with a pretty view."
She nodded, and even though it took about 4 hours we made it to a planet that had exactly what I wanted.
I looked at the team and smiling nervously.
They gave me a thumbs up and I took a deep breath.
Allura was awed by the view and I set up.
She turned around and sat next to me.
"This place is very beautiful."
I chuckled and said, "Yeah it is but not as beautiful as you."
She blushed and leaned into me.
"Allura, come on let's stand up."
We stood up and looked out at our view.
I took a deep breath and got down on one knee behind her.
I saw everyone around us and smiled.
She turned around and saw me.
She gasped and her hands flew to her mouth.
"Allura... we have been together for 3 years and we'll in thought this would be a perfect time to ask you this. Will yoy marry me, Allura?"
She was crying and ended up lunging at me screaming, "YES!!!"
We kissed and I put the ring on her finger.
"Can I confess something Allura?"
She nodded.
"Truth be told, I was worried that I was just a rebound after Lotor and wasn't going to do this at all."
She stared at me and chuckled.
"Is that why everyone was talking to you today?"
I nodded and sighed.
"Keith, you had nothing to worry about."
"I know that now. I mean you said yes didn't you."
She looked down at her ring and smiled.
"I did and I'm glad I get to spend every second of my life with you forever now."
I nodded and kissed her.
The team burst out of their hiding spots now.
They all congratulated us and we went back to the castle.
Allura and I went to our room.
"You know, it was Lance that fully convinced me that I wasn't a rebound."
She smiled, "Well I am glad someone did or else we wouldn't be engaged."
I kissed her again.
We cuddled and slept.

1094 words. I am glad I finally written something for this account. Note that school next year I am going to be super busy so I might not post at all in august through may. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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