Watching Their Daughter Get Married

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Allura sighed as she watched her daughter walk down the aisle.

She looked at Laila, who was currently with Taylor smiling.

Keith watched his wife sigh and he did as well.

As much as he loved his daughter, he didn't love her partner.

They both remembered how a few years ago, Laila and Kaelin were talking about marriage.

When they broke up, Allura noticed it first.

She noticed how Laila and Kaelin no longer talked to each other like they use to.

She noticed every time Laila looked at Kaelin, Allura saw the heartbreak in her eyes.

She saw Kaelin move on from Laila really quickly.

She cheated on Laila with her fiance. 

"Is it bad I don't like this marriage?"

Keith looked at his wife and shook his head, "No, because I do too."

They both looked to Laila and saw how she was with Taylor.

"She may be our daughter, but the way she hurt Laila is not really forgivable."

"Will it ever be? I mean cheating on someone will never truly be forgivable."

Allura sighed as the newlyweds kissed.

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if they never broke up?"

"Truth be told, something tells me this would have always happened."

Allura nodded and smiled at her daughter.

Laila approached Allura and Keith smiling.

"Queen Allura and King Keith! It's great to see you both again."

"The same goes to you, Laila. How is everything?"

Laila chuckled and looked at Kaelin and her husband dancing, "Everything is really good. I am happy for her, you know. Even though I do admit it still kind of hurts but I have also moved on."

Allura nodded and smiled at Laila.

"That's completely understandable."

Laila smiled and she looked at Taylor.

"Laila, if you don't mind me asking but, are you in love with Taylor?"

Laila looked at Allura and nodded, "If I wasn't would I be dating her?"

Allura nodded, "True."

Laila smiled and bid them farewell.

A few months after the wedding, the fighting between Kaelin and her husband started.

They argued about everything and Allura always watched her daughter break down.

The divorce was well messy.

The bad part was that Kaelin fell back in love with Laila.

Keith and Allura watched their daughter walk down the aisle.

Not as a bride but as a bridesmaid for Laila's wedding.

"Is it bad I actually like this marriage?"


"Keith! Can you believe all that has happened?"

Keith shook his head and kissed his wife.

"No, but look at everyone and at how happy they are."

Allura nodded and spun around.


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