Chapter 1

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Long pants?


Razor hidden? 


All evidence gone? 


I went through my own mental checklist before I headed to school. But before I did, I ran my hand along the bumps of the 27 open slices on my leg. 

I had cut on my thighs yesterday, as usual. Tears pricked at my eyes, but I held them back by forcing a fake smile. I grabbed my sketchbook and shoved it into my backpack. Along with my art binder and my flute.

 I waved goodbye to my mom as I headed for the bus. 

I didn't usually sit with anyone on the bus. Well, at least not in the mornings. Because my good friend Kaa-chan (BNHA reference!)  didn't ride the bus in the morning, only in the afternoons. 

Well, her real name wasn't Kaa-chan, but Crystal. But she calls me Deku rather than my name, Riyah Kimichi.

I met Kaa-chan at the beginning of the year in 7th grade. But now I was a freshman.

The bus stopped at the front of the school, and we all filed off. I went to go meet up with my best friend Delilah-chan. And yeah, I actually call her that. 

My Delilah had pixie cut silk brown hair, the most beautiful brown eyes, and a smile to make anyone's day. She was quite emo, always wearing black and a choker. I really don't know why she hid all of her perfect curves. She is always Low on self-esteem, so she cuts as well. 

But she was the most beautiful thing I have ever layed eyes on. And this might sound perverted, but she has GREAT boobs. She's been my best friend since the beginning of 7th grade. Ah, the good old times.

  "Hey," I called, spotting Delilah amidst the crowd. "Did you finish the homework?" I questioned.

 "Barely," she sighed. And I didn't blame her. Pre-calculus was a very difficult class. Delilah, Zitlally-chan and I all send homework answers to each other through a group chat. We are such cheaters. 

Zitlally-chan is my other best friend. She had mid-back DARK brown hair. Her skin was a light olive color. She always dressed like a Kpop star, and she could totally pull it off. I've been friends with her since the beginning of seventh grade as well. But one thing that king of dragged our relationship out a little bit was that she dislikes physical contact/ me. I have no idea which one. Probably both. 

(つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ    (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


The bell rang and all the students filed out into our different classes. My first class was English (well, Japanese in this case, but.. you get the idea  Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)  ) As much as I love language arts itself, I HATE the class. It's because of the teacher, Mrs. Christine.

  She was nothing less of a hoe. No, she didn't dress like one, but it was so obvious you didn't even have to look twice. I mentally sighed, heaving my backpack into my locker.




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