Chapter 1: Questions

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~Third Person P.O.V~

It was a night much like any other, Superboy and Robin were out on patrol moving from rooftop to rooftop, scouring the streets for the slightest sign of trouble.

Yet.. something was different, they weren't bantering or arguing or anything. It was silent.. and that wasn't normal for either of the boys.

Jon was the first to take notice, eyeing his older, yet shorter friend in the corner of his eye. Trying to study his expression, his body language; sadly he isn't exactly good at either and Damian wasn't exactly making it easy.

It wasn't just the mask covering his emerald eyes, his face was cold and expressionless, not something unknown to Jon but.. tonight was different. His best friend seemed different, he puffed his right cheek in thought before sighing, deciding he'll confront Damian on their next stop.

Robin landed first, right at the edge of the building, he crouched and looked through a pair of high-tech goggles patrolling the streets, a few seconds later Superboy gently floated down behind his friend, eyeing his back, a concerned look on his face.

"Hey Damian.." Superboy began, hoping for the slightest sign of acknowledgement from the boy crouched in front of him. Nothing.

Jon sighed before he continued to speak "is something bothering you..? Cause I feel like something is definitely bothering you." Still no response.

"You know.. you could always tell me, you do.. kinda listen whenever I tell you my problems so I just.. I wanna say i'm here for-" Jon was cut off by Damian

"Shhh.." he went, placing his index finger on Jon's lips without averting his gaze through the goggles. Jon wasn't sure but he thought he felt an ever so slight shiver in Damian's hand when his finger first grazed his lips. He decided to ignore it.

"Look." Damian said, slowly pulling his finger away and pointing to an apartment building across the street, a group of three masked men each holding either a crowbar, a sack or a gun stood in an alleyway preparing to break in.

"Let's go kent." Damian said plainly as he stood up, shot a grappling hook to another building and swung across the street in one fluid motion.

"Mmnh.. ok." Jon said, following suit.

"So, you sure this is the place?" The skinniest of the masked men said to the largest as Damian and Jon watched from the shadows.

"What do you mean am I sure? Of course I'm sure. This building is full of retired veterans, ex-military guys too old to fight back and too rich to know what to do with the money." The man's smile grew wide "So yes. Sonny. This is the place."

"Fucking finally, after this I'll be able to pay my tab at Charlie's and I can buy us another round of drinks" The third man said as the three of them turned to closest window.

"Not if we have anything to say about it." Robin said, announcing their presence, leaping from the shadows and landing elegantly onto the pavement. His long metal staff extending in his right hand which he kept behind his back, with his right open and kept close to his chest.

"Oh great. Its the bat-brat. And you're all alone. One what.. 7 year old versus us? You don't stand a chance, so why don't you run back to bat-dad before this gets messy. Hm?" The largest among the men spoke, extending his gun towards Damian.

Damian's right eye twitched with irritation when the man incorrectly guessed his age. "I'm breaking that hand first." He said, eyeing the man's hand holding the gun.

Superboy leapt from the shadows, slamming hard into the ground cracking the pavement and hovering a small distance above it. "Yeah. We."

Jon's entrance obviously unnerved the three men more than Damian's. Damian eyed Jon, surprised and impressed by the half-kryptonian's 'superhero entrance' which he's been practicing for weeks... up until he saw a small tear in the corner of jon's eye. "That must have hurt more than I thought it would." He thought to himself, rolling his eyes, before throwing a swift-flying birdarang at the man's hand, causing him to drop the gun as he lept forward grabbing him and slamming his arm onto the pavement fracturing it.

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