Chapter 1

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Jim didn't expect this to happen. He didn't expect to be thrown against a walls in the kitchen, and to brutally beaten by the entire crew.

He held his hands over his head in fear, shaking violently as he felt punches as kicks to his body. Blood was dripping down the cabin boy's lip as bruises formed on his body.

All he felt was pain and torture, nothing more; for the first time he actually felt scared and traumatized. It was then he succumbed to the pain and blacked out.

A sudden warmth was wrapped around Jim, making him feel safe. What happened? Did someone come and stop this? Jim couldn't tell, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wake up. Guess they did a number on Jim.

As his hand pressed against his head, rubbing it slowly as Jim's eyes opened up. "Nnnngh,,,, fuck,,," he mumbled, sitting up slowly. Jim looked at himself, seeing most of his body was covered in bandages. "What the,,,?" He mumbled, looking up to see a familiar face. "Silver?"

Silver snapped his head up, smiling softly as he stood up. "Ah! Jimbo! My boy! Yer awake!" He said cheerfully, walking over to Jim and sitting down on the bed. "How do ya feel?"

Jim groaned softly, rubbing his eye sleepily. "Terrible." He replied, stretching his back. "What happened?" Jim asked softly.

Silver sighed, taking off his hat. "The crew almos' beat ya to death, Jimbo." He replied. "Luckily', Amelia, Delbert and I managed to stop them before they killed you. They'r lucky we didn't turn them into shark bait." John hissed out the last part.

Jim rose a brow, blinking softly. "You let them go??" He questioned, obviously confused.

Silver shook his head, rubbing his neck. "Nah, they'll be doin' yer chores til ya heal, Jim." He informed Jim, rubbing his head. "So all ya get t' do til ya heal is sleep."

Jim sighed of relief, flopping back onto the bed. "That's the best thing I've heard all damn day." He chuckled, sitting up again. "What about you?"

Silver rose a brow, his cyborg eye making its whirring sound. "Amelia informed me that I should take good care of ya til yer better." He told Jim.

Jim blinked softly, rubbing his neck. "So its just gonna be me and you, huh?" He rose a brow, chuckling softly.

The cyborg nodded, laughing softly. "Guess it' is, Jimbo!" He smirked softly, stretching his back. "Anyway, I need to make sure those blubbers are doing their hard work, I'll be back faster' then ya can say me name."

Jim nods slowly, smiling softly. "Alright, bye, Silver." He told him, laying back down in bed. Jim then noticed something press against his foot, looking up to see Silver's coat.

Jim hesitated slightly, grabbing the coat and holding it gently. "This is huge,,," He mumbled, looking around before he slipped it on. The raven black coat smelled like fresh hot food and pipe smoke, exactly what Silver smelled like.

The cabin boy blushed heavily, narrowing his eyes at the coat in confusion. "Why do I,,,, feel so weird?" He mumbled, pressing the sleeves to his face again as he laid back onto the bed. 'Do I have some weird thing for Silver?' Jim thought to himself, sighing softly as he cuddled up with the sheets.

Jim sighed softly, rubbing his tired as as he looked up at the ceiling. He turned his head and checked the clock; 'two in the morning,,, goddamnit, Jim, why can't you sleep???' He screamed at himself internally.

The cabin boy tossed and turned in bed, trying his best to fall asleep; but everything he did failed. Jim turned to face the wall, sighing. "Goddamni—" he cut himself off by hearing the door open, trying to pretend he's asleep.

Jim heard a loud yawn and someone cracking their back, his breathing getting slightly heavier. He felt the sheets being pulled as someone got in bed, it was Silver.

Silver wrapped his arms around Jim, pulling him close and rubbing his head slowly. "Mmm,,," he mumbled as he rubbed Jim's chest, feeling his heat pump.

Jim breathed heavily, his eyes wide as he cheeks red as Silvers touch practically BURNED into his body. He loved the feeling of Johns skin, it practically drove him INSANE.

He soon calmed down and feel asleep in Silvers arms, Jim cuddling with the older pirate.


Jim gasped out as he felt the pirate bite his neck, tears spilling down his cheeks as the mans teeth dig into his skin. "A— ah~ m— more~" he moaned out, his legs shaking.

Silver shushed Jim, holding the boy's waist. "Calm down, lad, it'll all be over with soon,,,," he whispered him, slowly shoving his hands into his pants.

Jim whimpered loudly, feeling Silvers hand press against him. "S— Silver~ please~" he gasped out. "I'm ready~!"

John wagged his mechanical finger in front of Jim's face, chuckling. "Be patient, Jimbo, the fun has just begun~" he told Jim.

The cabin boy suddenly felt a finger push into him, making him whimper and moan loudly. "Silver~!!!" He gasped out, his legs shaking.

Silver smirked, pushing another finger onto
Jim. "Breathe, lad,,,, you'll feel good in a second."

Jim arched his back, his voice getting louder and louder. "Silver,,,, SILVER!" He shouted as he climaxed in his pants.

Jim's eyes opened as soon as the dream ended, his eyes wide and his entire face red. "W— what the fuck,,,,,?" He mumbled, looking down at his hands. "I do like Long John Silver,,,," Jim uttered our, his cheeks a bright pink as he remembered the dream so vividly.


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