x. florida kilos

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Your POV


The dancer peered over the red leather chinese menu, facial expression askew. A few seconds of silence went by, mellow alternative R&B music playing lightly on the restaurant's speakers.

I waited for a reaction but instead saw a nonchalant Mani blankly staring back at me. Mildly rolling my eyes, I looked back at her expectantly waiting for her to speak up on the matter.

"I'm sorry I was just waiting for you to say that again but in English."

I huffed but continued. "I think Camila is like me." My words were nice and slow as well as quiet so only she could hear me.

Her eyes probed around mine, seemingly understanding what I'm getting at. She cleared her throat and did a quick scan of our surroundings before leaning in closer to me. "And by that you mean...you know..." Her tone was hushed and careful.

I nodded. She seemed as if she wanted to ask more about my discovery but was soon cut off by a feminine voice at the side of our booth.

"Hey ladies." We looked up to be met with Vanessa, surprisingly.

"Wow look who it is. The softball playing heart throb in the flesh...Gotta say, I didn't peg you to be the waitressing type." I said, smoothly directing my attention at our server and switching moods from the previous serious conversation.

Vanessa laughed her charming laugh while steadily nodding her head. "I wouldn't peg myself as that either. I'm more of the money making type." Me and Mani both chuckled softly at her comment.

She gave me a not at all subtle once over before retrieving her notepad from her apron pocket. "What drinks can I get you pretty ladies started on this evening?"

"I'll have an iced tea." Mani replied simply.

"And I'll have a lemonade."

She quickly jotted down our beverages. "Do you guys wanna get any appetizers? Do you guys need a few minutes?"

"Mani are you ready to order?" I briefly took my eyes off of the caramel and honey skinned dream before us and focused on Normani. She replied with a brisk nod before telling Vanessa what she'll be getting. She got a Chinese chicken salad. Typical her.

"And I'll just get an order of fried rice. Nothing too wild." I informed her lazily. I wasn't in too much of a mood to eat a big plate of food like I normally would as I remembered what made me set up this emergency lunch meeting.

"Simple but still a good choice." She commented coolly.

I watched her as her slightly defined forearm flexed against the notepad she was ferociously writing on. Vanessa was a fairly tiny girl. She stood maybe at 5'1, without her trademark boots on of course, but her physique was somehow still strong and deliciously toned due to her athleticism.

Although she's a pretty short teenager, she definitely didn't carry herself as such. She always had her head held high and somehow found a way to look down at people who were taller than her. Her strongly cut facial features accented her unmatched confidence (pushing arrogance). Sporting a stance that was always firm and stable, you couldn't help but feel intimidated by the tea cup of sass that she is whenever her sultry and conniving words would easily spill out of her lips, which, by the way, must have been crafted by cupid himself.

Her energy was daring to touch,way too enticing to ignore and maybe that was why she had a reputation at our school. She simply could just get whoever she wanted. And she did. Which had its consequences. High schoolers can say some pretty mean things but it never bothered the secure girl much from what I, or anyone, can tell. Then again, putting up an act is pretty easy.

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