ix. neither do i

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Your POV

White is such a loud color. It's just all this empty space that's nagging you to do something. Pestering you and making you feel guilty about leaving a slate completely clean because everyone knows all slates are to be dirtied. Such a bland color just sitting here, teasing me about the deafening reality of my completely ordinary existence.

Except my existence wasn't ordinary. Being a vampire so to speak. Nothing has been ordinary and some part of me likes that. I'm amongst the few that get to be special in this life and I can rub it in this blank, white sheet of paper's face after all.

...If I could just muster up enough creativity for a single dot, that is. I glanced at the paper in front of me once more before letting out an exhausted sigh of boredom mixed with mild irritation. Staring at this sheet did remotely nothing. I still don't have an inkling of an idea what to paint.

The piercing sound of the passing period bell rang through the classroom, followed up by the clattering of chair legs clanking against each other. A sound that would normally slightly annoy my supernaturally sensitive ears didn't irk me at all in such a hopeless moment. I can't fail this project and I'm running out of options. Though Lauren did say that she would help me..

"The bell rang." I heard from beside me.

"Do you think Lauren would actually be a help with my painting? Or lack there of, really..." The words flew out of my mouth at rapid speed, barely getting registered before I threw them out .

Ariana turned to me in confusion as her hands were fixated on her back pack straps. "Well duh. You said yourself that she agreed to helping you anyways."

"No. I mean is she actually, you know, good?" I started shoving my binder back into my book bag without my worried eyes leaving hers.

"You know that mural downtown that's underneath the bridge?"

How could I forget. Dugout Beach, which is what everybody in this town called it, is where everyone would go to skate, film, smoke, anything really. It was like a little cave of cliches. Something you would see in a coming of age tv series. Though, it doesn't get as many visits nowadays.

I've mindlessly stared at that painting of an ethereal naked woman for hours when me and my friends couldn't be bothered to go home. It's only been there for a couple years.

"Of course." I breathed out with a slight smirk on my face.

"Alright, pervert, well Lauren's the one who did that."

I joined her in standing, book bag slung over my shoulder as we strolled out of the art room and into the chatty halls. "No way." My face contorted with impressed disbelief

"Way." Ariana nodded with a yawn. Ok if that's the case I've definitely got this assignment in the bag.

"Long night?" My hands found solace in the cozy pocket of my cropped hoodie.

She lazily nodded again while rubbing away at her eyes. "I guess you could say that, yeah. I've been tutoring this one kid the past couple weeks and our sessions take hours. Nerds these days man." She tiredly grinned to herself.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "You would know about nerds wouldn't you, geeky ass tutor."

She let out a hollow laugh, mocking me, making me chuckle in turn. "Takes a geeky ass tutor to know a geeky ass tutor, geeky ass tutor."

"Wow you just said the phrase 'geeky ass tutor' like 7 times." We both snickered in unison while dazedly making our way down the hallways.

Our feet eventually brought us to her locker where she rummaged around for her marine bio text book. I occupied myself with replying to some texts I had gotten earlier in the day. I had just gotten another one.

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