Truth or Dare, that is the question

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Chapter 1

*Rachel POV*

OMG I’m soooo excited! I honestly can’t hide it and I am seriously about to lose control!!!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” I scream

“Shut up!!!” My brother yells at me.

“Yeah listen to your brother!” My parents complain as well.

“Sorry” I yell back even though I’m not really sorry haha.  Okay, so you’re probably wondering why I’m so excited…Well I just got a call from Liam Payne!!! You see, he’s my cousin and we were always close as kids.  Liam is now 18 and I’m now 16 and although were 2 years apart, we always used to hang out.  It was always strange because my brother is 18 now so I don’t know why they didn’t hang out since they were closer in age.  However, Liam and I just clicked when we were younger and were inseparable.  We’d have to sit next to each other at meals, we’d have sleepovers, late night phone calls, we weould tell each other everything, and we would just hang out all the time!  He also helped me with school work when I needed help and was always so caring. When he told me he was trying out for X-Factor, I was so happy for him.  I knew he would go far because when he sang to me, he was incredible.  I loved when he sang to me because I felt so close to him… I don’t really know how to explain it.  However, I didn’t realize I would lose my best friend.  Now we’re still somewhat close.  I occasionally get a text from him saying ‘what’s up’ or something like that, but that’s about it.  We haven’t seen each other since the X-Factor because he’s now in the hottest boy band ever, One Direction!  I didn’t want to ask Liam if I could meet the band because I don’t want to impose, but it would be so cool to meet them. Now back to the phone call I just received from him.


Buzzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hmmm my phone is ringing, wonder who it is.  I take my phone out of my pocket to see who’s calling…. OMG! Now way, I can’t believe he’s calling me! I haven’t talked to him in forever! I wonder if his voice has changed.. Oh I should probably pick up now haha.




How have you been? I’ve missed you soo much!!!

I miss you too Li li!! I’ve been great, but not as great as you obviously!

         Laughter fills the other line.

I know.. Helloooo who is this??

Ummm Li who was that?

I’m not Li, I’m Lou haha

         I literally stopped breathing for a second because Louis Tomlinson is talking to me!

Umm hi Lou, it’s Rachel

Who is that?

I’m Liam’s cousin

Ohhh… Louis give me back my phone!!! I hear Liam yell

Oops sorry gotta go before Liam kills me haha.

Ok bye nice talking to you!

Sorry about that Rach! Anyway I have a question for you

Ok what is it?

I was wondering if you would like to join me and the boys and stay at the bungalow for a few weeks on our break?

I think I just died and came back to life! I’m speechless.

Rach? Hello you there? RACHEL????

Oh sorry I just wasn’t expecting that.

Oh umm so what do you say?!

Well I’d love to! But I have to check with mom.

Already did and she said its fine with her if you choose to come!

Oh ok then that sounds fantastic!

Great so ill pick you up tomorrow at 10:00, sound good?

Oh tomorrow?

Yeah, why did I give too late of notice? I’m sorry.

No it’s perfectly fine. I just didn’t realize it was so soon!

Oh sorry, but you didn’t have any plans, right?

Well I did on Tuesday, but, my friends will understand seeing as one direction is their favorite band haha.

Oh that reminds me, do you like One Direction?

    I laugh so hard at the question because I love them!

What’s so funny?

Ohh sorry but I love one direction haha.

Oh ok umm so I’ll see you tomorrow!

Great can’t wait! Haha that rhymed!

Ughhh your still just like I remember!

Haha ok well bye!

Bye Rach.

*End flashback*

Now I’m gonna go pack and tell my friends my new plans!!

*A few hours later*

I finished packing and ate dinner.  I’m sooo excited! I know I told you this but who wouldn’t be?! I’m also a little nervous because I don’t know if Liam has changed at all since the last time I saw him.  Anyway it’s getting late so I’m going to go to bed now because I have to get to up tomorrow to be ready!  I get into my bed and fall asleep.

A/N Hey everybody!!! So this is my first fanfic and book generally (haha adventurous adventures of one direction reference!). So if you read this, thanks so much! comment please if you like it!  I won't ramble on in my author's anyway thanks again! Peace out home dawgs! <haha me trying to be cool..ok bye now (:

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