Ch. 1: The Return

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The faint hum of the Legion of Superheroes' ship echoed through the halls as Mon-El made his way to the cockpit. The one thing on his mind was Kara. He had been so upset when he had to go back to the future but he figured it was time for a surprise visit.

"How's our course looking?" he asked as he entered the cockpit.

"Well, we should be arriving in National City in a few minutes." Winn said as he was maintaining their path. "I can't wait to see what Alex has done as Director of the DEO." he added.

"If we know Alex, there's no telling how many orders she's given to every DEO agent."

"Yeah." Winn laughed. Then suddenly an alarm was going off and Winn rushed to the controls.

"What's going on?" Mon-El asked as he stumbled trying to gain balance.

"There's a slight problem with our jump." Winn said very frustratingly. The ship shook once again and Mon-l fell over because of the turbulence.

"Winn!"" Mon-El yelled.

"One sec." he shouted, "Got it!" The ship then landed just outside of National City. The crash then took them of their feet and they were both on the ground.

"Winn, you okay?" Mon-El asked with not only concern for his best friend but also if they had landed on something or someone.

"Yeah, aside from being tossed around like a rag doll." Winn said as he got himself onto his feet. He checked their systems.

"Are we in National City?" Mon-El asked wondering what had caused the problem with their jump.

"Yep, according to our coordinates were in the right place.", Winn reported, "I don't know what caused that minor turbulence."

"That turbulence... was not minor my friend." Mon-El said.

"Alright, it's not like I can pilot this entire ship with my mind." Winn said feeling quite hurt. "In other news," he said moving on, "the ship's cloaking device has been activated, so we are clear to leave the ship." Winn finished, ultimately pleased with himself.

"Good." Mon-El said smiling. Ever since he went back to the future, Mon-El had been waiting to get back to see Kara. Every time he was away from her, he could only think about her smile and her comet eyes. As he turned to walk out of the ship Winn stepped in front of him.

"You may wanna change, buddy." he said. Mon-El then looked down realizing he was still in his Legion uniform.

"Right." he said. After he changed into normal clothes, he and Winn exited the ship and started walking to the National City. After Daxam was destroyed, Mon-El was grateful to be able to call this planet and this his home but he couldn't help but feel like something was different. "is it just me or does the city look different to you?" he asked as they walked down the streets of National City. Winn looked around, realizing Mon-El was on to something.

"Yeah, your right." he remarked. "National City has really changed in a few months but Kara and Alex will catch us up." Mon-El nodded, but as he looked around it seemed as if National City had gotten... older. However he figured it was because he hadn't been there in a while.
Suddenly, there was a large crash coming from up the street. They ran towards the sound of the commotion. When they got there they saw a man who looked human but his hands were made of iron and he was tearing up the streets.

 When they got there they saw a man who looked human but his hands were made of iron and he was tearing up the streets

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A man and a woman were in the middle of the street so Mon-El and Winn ran to help them. "Go! Get out of here." Mon-El yelled. While they were able to get out of the street, Mon-El's yelling caught the attention of the man. He then grabbed a car and threw it towards them. Mon-El was ready to catch it, but he never got the chance. A figure dropped themselves in front of them and used heat vision to blow up the car before it hit them.

"Thanks." Winn said, still amazed by the quick save.

"Supergirl?" Mon-El asked.

The figure turned around to reveal another girl that was not Supergirl.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

*add a cape

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

*add a cape

"No, actually." she said, "You need to find cover." The girl then turned back to the man and charged at him with super speed. As the girl was fighting, Mon-El and Winn ran towards the side of the street. They ran behind a building and looked out to observe the fight. The girl was clearly strong and fast because she was able to dodge her opponent's attacks and knock him out with two punches. After he went unconscious, the bystanders that were hiding came out of their hiding place and applauded for the girl. Mon-El and Winn also stopped hiding but before they could ask who she was , she picked up the man and flew away. Mon-El and Winn stared at where the girl flew and then there was a brief moment of silence, but it was broken by Winn.

"What is happening in this city?" Winn yelled, "There is no way this can be real, I mean Kara would never take off from being Supergirl." As Winn kept firing questions, Mon-El just kept staring at the sky. He didn't know why but he felt a sense of familiarity with that girl. "And furthermore, why is she wearing the House of El symbol on her suit? There is no way she just put that on her suit and didn't know the significance." Winn rambled.

"Winn!" Mon-El said pronouncing his voice, causing Winn to slightly jump.


"We need to get to the DEO." Mon-El said, "It's time we get some answers."

A/N: Hi. First thing I wanna say is thanks for reading this. I am a HUGE Karamel shipper! Supergirl is my favorite superhero. Any requests or suggestions? P.S Sorry! Glitch!

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