Chapter Two

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I walk back in after talking with Morgan, he was as shocked and worried as I was. He told me there's no time to loose, so he and the team are arranging all the other files about Richard to be brought up, when we arrive back with Lukas.

"You're going to need to pack a bag, you're coming with us" I inform Lukas but he just continues walking around in a stress, I mean he is getting hunted by a literal monster!

"Why does he need to leave?" The Alpha asked which meant I had to finally look up at him, I've been avoiding eye contact with him this entire time, he was breathtakingly good looking though, not the time Taylor!

"The man that is sending you these threats is highly dangerous and will stop at nothing to hurt you, but if you come with us we can keep you safe and make sure that it doesn't happen" I say trying to make Lukas feel better but urging him to hurry, we don't know when or how Richard is gonna strike again.

He nods walking out to pack while the Alpha cuts into the conversation once more, can't he just butt out for a second?! He's making it harder for me to concentrate!

"I want to come" he says out out the blue, Riley and I look at each other with a worried expression, that might not be possible.

We don't have clearance for Lukas to come so we're gonna have to sneak him in, now Toby wants to join! That's gonna make this already difficult situation, get even more difficult!

"Do you think that's a wise idea, I mean the Alpha runs the pack and makes sure nothings happens, you can't do that if you come? " Riley asks crossing his arms, he really didn't want Lukas to come back with us but he knows he has too, he's definitely gonna protest the Alpha joining.

"Oh we have an expect of running a pack here do we? Well Mr Expert, I chose my Gamma for this very reason, I have left the pack in his hands many times and he's handled it. Keep your opinions regarding my pack to yourself" he replies giving Riley the dirtiest look known to man, I was worried he was gonna attack him or something "Lukas is one of my pack members, it is my duty to ensure his safely" he says looking directly at me, his eyes just piecing through mine.

I turn my face away to look to the floor, I didn't need Riley to look over at us staring at each other. Riley's a clever guy, it wouldn't take him long to figure out what's going on.

"I'll message Morgan, let him know we have another one coming in" I mumble pulling my phone out once again, I didn't want to tell Toby he can't join us, that would bring up a possibility he might bring up what we've both just found out, something I can't let Riley find out.

Toby stands there smirking sending me a wink, thankfully, Riley had turned around in a piss about Toby joining. Toby soon leaves the room, allowing me to finally relax and Riley to just look very upset.

"You'd think the Alpha and Beta of a pack would have a go bag, we do" Riley rages as I put my phone away, looking at his face I knew he was trying to contain all the angry feelings he's holding in.

"Because we're always on the go, we have to be prepared to leave at anytime" I say walking over to grab my things, the way he looked at me I knew he wasn't with me on my decision "don't look at me like that, we have to bring him in for his protection, we know first hand how evil Richard can get" I say packing our files away while he slumps in his chair, he wasn't even trying to crack a smile.

"I knew we'd have to bring the Beta in but not the Alpha, it isn't a package deal we've got going on here" he says which I couldn't help but chuckle at, his tantrums can be funny sometimes.

The door soon opens once again, both Toby and Lukas making their ways in with a single bag each. Well that was quicker than I first expected, maybe they do have a go bag. Or they've rushed and will come to find out they've only packed one pair of jeans, I made that mistake multiple times before I packed a go bag.

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