5. Practice

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Waking up earlier than yesterday, you sighed out of relief. You really hated yesterday because you were late for your class, and maybe even late for work if Hoseok didn't offer going to work with you.

You kiss your mom telling her you'd see her later, and grabbed the keys to you car before getting out of the house. It wasn't long before you reached the dance studio. Walking through the same familiar halls, you finally reach your class. It was pretty much empty, but now it has you in it.

You were 30 minutes early which is what you usually do when you were feeling it and when you want to practice, which is pretty much everyday for you. You loved ballet very much, the classical music, the graceful moves and the quietness it has in it. You love to dance in general, but not every dance is for you.

A few seconds later, the door opens. You turn around, wanting to see the person who did not even bother to knock. You felt frightened at the fact that it could possibly be a murderer, but maybe you're just exaggerating, no one would want to murder a ballerina especially when you're just a nobody.

"Good Morning (y/n)!" Hoseok knew you'd get startled at his sudden entrance, but he sort of liked it that way. He wanted to surprise you, but of course, you wouldn't know why.

You looked straight at his eyes, then his thin but muscular physique and then back to his eyes again. The more you look at him, the more you thought that he didn't look bad. His face was symmetrical and it complimented his body, he really looked alright.

It wasn't long before you realize you've been staring. Hoseok felt awkwards just standing there while you stared and admired his looks, it was a good thing that you snapped out of it just in time.

"Can you help me get a few moves right?" Hoseok suddenly asked you. He didn't need your help though, it was the best excuse he could give just to stay with you longer. He absolutely loved ballet, but it was not his style. Hip Hop is like, his whole life. Giving it up would be extremely hard for him.

"Sure... Come in." It would be akward if you didn't agree. He didn't look like he had anything to do as well, you didn't want him to think of you as someone who is cruel.

Hoseok didn't mind being early anymore. He knew that if ever he was early he could go to you, although, he doesn't know what you are to him. For you he could only be an acquaintance, a stranger or someone who just went to work with you for a day. He wanted to be closer to you, a friend would do for him, but he wishes for more.

You stand in front of the mirror with him beside you. "Okay, lets practice the move you don't understand first."

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