3. Finally

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"(Y/n)! Please wash the dishes! I'll take over the counter." You've been working for more than an hour now, as well as Hoseok. Hoseok has been surprisingly obedient, not that he wasn't... you just somehow noticed that whatever he did, he had a wide smile spread of his face.

Letting out a sigh, you rinse the last plate and dry your hands. It was finally time for you to go home, well, after you drive Hoseok to his house. Now that you've finished working, you've actually felt a little better about bringing him home.

You come out of the kitchen, seeing Hoseok wiping the tables with a damp rag. Hoseok smiles a little seeing how clean he made the tables look. He definitely liked working at this particular restaurant, it was too bad that he couldn't choose to work here.

He and his friends agreed to audition for an entertainment company when they finally release audition dates. They planned this years ago, and they never backed down on the plan. With in a year of planning they finally auditioned and got in, but they were considered trainees. Hoseok only thought that, when they finally get to debut, he gets to do what he loves, what he wants.

You both take off the aprons that was tied to your waist and put them at the back, folded neatly. You thanked your boss and his mother, and head straight for your car along with Hoseok.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to bring you home immediately..." your hands fiddling with the keys of your car. Now you felt even more guilty, having seen him so understanding and going to work with you, while you lash out your anger at him when you found out you were probably getting to work late. 

"No worries (y/n). I liked working here anyway." A smile brighter than the sun was shown on his face as he looks at the not-so-recognized restaurant. "I would've never experienced it if it wasn't for you."

"Maybe you could come with me to work here when we have time!" you flash him a small smile as he walks towards you and grabs the keys from your hand and pulling you towards the door to the passengers seat. He pushes you into the car and closes the door, while you watch him walk to the other side and getting in the car himself.

"I'll drive." He felt the need to take the chance to finally get to experience driving again. He wasn't allowed to drive himself because of the company. They told him that if he got into a accident they wouldn't let him debut, but he never though he was going to get into one.

You finally reached Hoseoks house and as soon as he pulled over, the door to his house slammed open and 2 other boys came out. They were chatting so seriously and they looked a little intimidating.

"Thank You for bringing me home (y/n)!" Again, a bright smile was flashed on his face; the smile that you can never really get over.

Finally, You get to go home and relax once again.

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