Grian's Departure

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Author's note: My internet sucked, so sorry it took forever.  Now I gotta do a Halloween special(I love that holiday, and I'm not ending the year without that special,) and a birthday special for Netty.  Joy.

Description: Grian leaves The Evolutionists.

Grian stared around at his embassy, his backpack resting on the floor by his feet. He barely reacted when Netty walked through the door holding a plate of freshly baked cookies. "Alright, do you have everything? I made some cookies, but I had to keep swatting away Big B and Tom..." She trailed off when she saw the look on his face.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked, dropping the plate onto a nearby table and going over to rub the ex-emperor's shoulder comfortingly.

Grian nodded numbly. "Yeah, I just... " He sighed. "It's just harder than I thought it would be."

But Grain couldn't dwell on that now. He and Netty packed the cookies in his bag for later and headed out to spawn. The group had a dragon to slay.


Xisuma stretched out his arms and arched his back, just coming back to reality after an afternoon of immersion in the inner workings of the server. Instead of prepping for the finale of season 5 with the others, he had spent his last day getting the server ready for the newest member, just in time for season 6.

'Another builder,' He thought ruefully, 'Another cause of lag on this server. As if we don't have enough.'

At that moment, Mumbo walked through the door. 'Oh wait, nevermind. No mere builder can beat The King of Lag himself.' he thought, wincing slightly, remembering all the lag Mumbo's base caused this season.

Mumbo, noticing X's grimace, asked: "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking about all the lag the new builder's going to cause until I remembered we already had you on the server," Xisuma replied with a smile, just enough snideness to be noticeable.

Mumbo, making no attempt to show a reaction to X's sarcasm, or that he even cared, replied, "Yeah, there's no way anyone's topping The Great Mellon Ball of Doom."

Xisuma, still impressed that Mumbo managed to shove 96,000 melons and pumpkins in a one block, lag-inducing a circle instead of a black hole, realized that from the talk he had with Mumbo about Grain, the new builder could only do simple redstone. X was sure the lag wouldn't wouldn't be any worse when the new guy joined. Then a terrible thought hit him.

He buried his face in his hands. "Oh, dear God, why?" he sighed.

Mumbo looked at him, concerned. "X, what's wrong?" he asked.


The dragon was dead- each of them. Netty jumped into her portal, with XP still circling round her, and was met by darkness. But she wasn't scared. She felt strangely peaceful. There was a warmth in her soul that reminded her of the family-like bond of the members of Evo.

Then something shifted in the air. Nety felt somehow that she was standing, and that someone was next to her, but she still could see nothing but darkness.



"Yeah. Can you see anything?"

"No, but I know what's going to happen. Shhh."

Netty felt Salem take Netty's hand hers and lightly squeezed her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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