Lever Prank Gone Wrong

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Description: Zee pranks Timmy and Martyn.

As SystemZee approached the Property Police station, he had to admit: he was very nervous. He had thought out his plan, but now that it was about to take place, he couldn't help but notice all of the flaws he hadn't noticed before. His heart pounded, but he refused to give up. Mini had insisted that he grew up and stopped 'acting like a baby' (his words). Just

thinking about that made Zee's fists clench, but he had to admit he was right. Mini had murdered his enemy in cold blood in front of the whole server. If Zee couldn't do something remotely close to that, did he even deserve being in The Mafia, even if he was one of its founding fathers?

He shook the thought from his head. That was the reason he was doing this, right? To prove his worth to Mini?

Well, if that was the reason, then he should have thought of such a lame prank, but there was no turning back now. He had already told Mini he was doing this. If he backed out now, the only thing he would earn was another session of Mini shouting at him about Zee not having the balls to do anything.

Zee narrowed his eyes at the station. Those people were his enemies, not Mini. Those people who did terrible things and hid behind the book of the law. They denied Mini his only dream, being mayor, just because of what group he was a leader of.

He stopped, took a deep breath, and clears his mind.

It had been a while since this prank had happened, but it was time to bring it back, like Squiddy, on a much grander scale. Like a mega build. But not.

He placed a spam of leavers on the outside of the building, making sure it looked as random and chaotic as possible. He took a step back to admire his handiwork before going inside to do the same.

By the time he was finished, Zee had covered the main room, all the hallways, the floor and ceiling of Timmy's donation room, the farm, the storage room (even taking some from their chests), the enchanting room, the cafe, the entry room, and their little live stream room, making sure that they all stuck out in random directions, and even flicking a few on for maximum annoyance. He was about to finish his greatest prank yet, but he still had to do the bedroom.

He heard shouts and curses outside, and he knew those noises were Martyn and Timmy raging outside.

Zee knew he had limited options. He could go out the back, but there was a chance they'd see him. He also considered hiding in the live stream room behind Elmo, but there was no way to open the door from the inside, so once they close the door, which was probable, there is no way of getting out. Zee took the third option and dove under Timmy's bed just as they were about to burst into the room. Zee could only see their feet as he hid.

"Okay, whoever did this didn't touch our room, but the door to the live stream room is open," Martyn noted.

"Brother, they better not have touched the live stream room," Timmy said.

They both bolted to the live stream door. "They did!" Martyn yelled.

"Wait, why did they do the steam room, but not the bedroom?" Timmy asked, confused.

"It doesn't matter," Martyn grumbled, "It's getting late. Let's at least clean the stream room before we go to bed."

They both went into the room to clean. Zee checked his inventory. The only thing he had was a half a stack of leavers. Not once during this whole ordeal did Zee think to leave some space for food, tools or a weapon in case something like this happened. If he didn't think the noise would alert Timmy and Martyn to his presence and caused them to rip him out from under the bed horror movie style, Zee would have literally facepalmed right then and there. The only option was to wait until they were asleep and sneak out then.

That was probably the most painful decision Zee made because Martyn and Timmy seemed to take their sweet time cleaning that room. Once they were out, Zee let out a small sigh of relief until Timmy started talking.

"Oh Martyn, I taught Pascal a new trick. Wanna see it?"


They both went over to the Siamese cat sitting in the entrance to the bedroom.

"Pascal, Meow Mix. No, not paw. Meow Mix. Pascal! Stop it!"

"Okay, Timmy, how long is this going to take?"

"Come on Pascau, Meow Mix!"

Then the cat started meowing to the Meow Mix jingle. Martyn was clearly impressed.

"Cool, can she do that again?" Martyn asked in amazement.

Any compliments Zee had about how cool that cat was when away real quick when Martyn repeatedly asked the cat to do it again, delaying them going to bed. Zee would have screamed if he wasn't hiding. Finally, finally, they went to bed. Timmy lay down in his bed, right on top of Zee, who didn't have time to quietly crawl to the other side of the bed and was now hoping Timmy would ignore it.

"The bed's a bit lumpy," Timmy remarked. Zee held his breath.

"Oh well, I'll sort it out in the morning. Night Martyn."

"Night Timmy."

Zee waited till Timmy's breathing slowed before slowly and quietly crawling out from under Timmy's bed. He stood up, stretched, and crept to the exit as quietly as possible.

He was about to walk out of the room when Martyn and Timmy both sprang out of their beds.

"Did you really think we didn't know you were under a bed?" Martyn began, "You were caught in the act and had to hide, and there aren't that many places you could have done it in here."

Zee bolted for the stairs.

"Not so fast mate!" Timmy yelled as he jumped from his bed. He ran right in front of Zee and blocked the back door. Martyn was running at Zee when he had to think fast. Reaching into his inventory, Zee quickly pulled out a leaver and threw it at Martyn's head, beaming him right between the eyes and making the 'officer' stumble a bit. Zee took this opportunity to run, screaming for help.

Timmy was not going to let him get away that easily, though. Using his great soccer skills, Timmy sprinted up to Zee then quickly and smoothly turned and shoved him into a closed cell door. This stunned Zee enough for Martyn to catch up and open the door. Timmy pushed him into the cell.

"We caught a Mafia member!" Timmy shouted with barely contained glee.

"Yeah. We did. And guess what? You get first watch." Martyn said.

"Wait. why me?"

"Because you caught him. You can watch him. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

Martyn went to bed, leaving a slightly agitated Timmy in charge of a very agitated and frustrated Zee.

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