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Description: Martyn and Mini get back at Netty and Zee in an unorthodox way.

It was supposed to be a quick trip. Go to The Nether, grab some more Nether Wart and get out. Unfortunately for Netty and Zee, The Grim Reaper figuratively seemed to like following close behind, just waiting for the right moment to cut them down over and over again.

This time, the duo found themselves clinging to the roof of a small circular indent in The Nether. Down below them, a squadron of five Brutes wanted. The pale lavender bundles of muscle jumped with arms outstretched in hopes of knocking down the squishy creatures so they could finish the job. Zee had already taken a heavy hit from one of them before he and Netty could grapple to the ceiling. It seemed like all hope was lost until they heard the footsteps. Netty and Zee shouted for help, hoping the ones making the footsteps would hear them and take care of the brutes.

Martyn and Mini heard all the desperate shouting and walked into the indent. The Brutes paid them no mind as they continued to try to eliminate their targets.

"Oh thank goodness. Help us please." Netty said.

Martyn turned to Mini. "I don't know if we should help them. They'll probably just fill all our chests with guts again. Maybe we should just leave them there." he said.

"What? No, help. Please!" Netty yelled.

"Mini, please," Zee begged.

"Hold on a second," Mini said, "We need to discuss something."

The two turned away for a second. Netty and Zee started panicking.

"Okay, we have to get them back for the guts, and the traps," Martyn said over the shrill screaming.

"Are we even sure it was them?" Mini asked. Martyn's eyes glinted.

"Timmy already told us it was them, but if you have any doubts, we can get them to confess, and if they did do it," Martyn grinned evilly, " we'll just have to punish them."

"Okay, I can agree to that," Mini said, grinning.

They then turned back to Netty and Zee.

"Okay, here's the deal. You two confess to leaving guts in our chests and trapping our house, and we'll get rid of the Brutes." Martyn called.

"What? We never did either of those things." Netty shouted back.

"Please just help us," Zee yelled.

The Brutes started jumping higher.

"I'm not sure I believe that. Do you Martyn?" Mini asked.

"No. Not-at-all."

The Brutes jumped a little higher.

Netty backed up as far as possible, but nearly fell off the edge. "We swear we didn't do it." she cried helplessly.

The Brute's big meaty hands were now brushing against Netty and Zee, and Zee broke.

"Okay, it was us. Just get rid of them!" he half-shouted, half-screamed.

"That's all we wanted to hear," Mini said maliciously.


In the common room, Netty stirred the spaghetti, glaring at the noodles in the pot. Martyn knew her (oddly irrational) hatred of spaghetti and was using it to punish her.

'Well, at least he got me this nice dress.' she thought.

He did get her a nice outfit for their "date," as he called it. It was a flowing ankle-length lavender dress with long sleeves and a rose on the chest. Not a bad choice.

As Netty finished the pasta, Martyn and Mini walked in with their matching deep green, Mini, and lime green, Martyn, tuxes.

"The spaghetti smells nice." Martyn offered.

Netty glared at him, giving him the evilest look a small, sweet lady like her could pull off.

"Don't give me that look. I've always wanted to do that scene from Lady and the Tramp with you, but I never could because you don't like spaghetti." He said loftily.

"Hey, where's Zee?" Mini asked, glancing at his chrome watch.

The couple stopped arguing about pasta and looked over to Mini.

"He hasn't left the dressing room yet," Netty said. She turned to the dressing room. "Hey Zee, you done yet?" she called.

"...Yeah," he answered hesitantly.

"Well then come out. We're waiting for you." Mini said.

"I don't wanna. It's too embarrassing."

"Do I have to carry you out?"

He took a hesitant step out of the dressing room but came no further. Without saying anything, Mini strode over and yanked on Zee's wrist, making him stumble forward, but stubbornly went no further. Sighing dramatically, Mini bent down and smoothly gathered a flustered Zee into his arms and stormed to the center of the kitchen, where he deposited him onto the floor. When he stood and dusted himself off furtively, glaring at Mini, Netty could see why he was so embarrassed.

He was wearing a pale pink dress with ruffles on the bottom, not enough to make walking through tight spaces difficult. All along the chest were glittering rhinestones and around the waist was a big pink ribbon tied in a bow on the back. On his face was matching pink blush.

Martyn stared in wonder. How evil was his friend? Netty chuckled and mentioned something about how cute Zee was. Mini's reaction agitated Zee the most.

"You don't look half bad," he said with a smirk.

If looks could kill, the glare Zee gave Mini would've killed him seven times over.

Martyn piped up "Well guys let's get seated. This spaghetti's not gonna eat itself."

As they all sat down and were served the dish, Zee thought 'I'm never living this down.'

And he didn't.

Evo and Other Short Stories (Because I'm an idiot and lost the old account)Where stories live. Discover now