"He finally arrived!" Gideon said upon seeing the Elvenking. "Let him come! Once I defeated Thranduil, I will be the most powerful corsair that has ever hailed."



The first thing she felt was pain. A dull, throbbing and never-ending pain. The second was confusion. She lived in a golden cage for all her years, with everything that she could want. But then, it was full of lies and deceit. She escaped from the golden cage and lived in the Woodland Realm and Rohan. It was almost perfect, until another truth laid in front of her.

"You cannot love him, because he will never love you. Elves fall in love just once. Just once."

The words echoed in her head. Her mouth went dry at the thought. The pain increased as she remembered it all. The happy memories with Legolas and Tauriel. The smiling face of Calen every morning.

His face. His crown. His elk. Everything about him.

The memories started to fade as her vision became blurry. Tears streaming down her face as she lay on the side.

"I'm speaking of a world not real then." she thought.

A little creature flew in front of her, telling something to her. But she could not hear it well.

"My lady! Rohan's army already arrived! They are here for you! King Eomer and the rest are fighting the enemy." Fain exclaimed.

"What is my real world?" Mirialia asked herself.

Tilting her head weakly, she tried to look across the floor. She saw what was left of Mari's blood.

"Do I really have a world to belong to?" she asked again. "Perhaps...I have...none."

"Don't worry, my lady. We're going to get through-" Fain stopped. "Oh wait. Hold on, I'm getting something.."

He squinted his eyes and looked firmly at the window. Seeing the approaching group towards the ship, his eyes widened and excitedly shouted. "It's the Elvenking! My lady! The Elvenking is here!"

But the little sylph did not know that Mirialia no longer heard it. Her last teardrop already fell.

Fain flew back to her and spoke again, "My lady! King Thranduil is-" he stopped. "My lady?"

"My lady?" he asked again but she no longer answered.

"NO!" Fain screamed as he touched her face with his small hands. "My lady! Please wake up! The Elvenking is here!"

He shouted and pleaded, he even used his own light but it was useless. "Why? Why did you give up? King Thranduil is here to save you, my lady... Please wake up." Fain sobbed.

His wings flipped down and he wept in front of their beloved maiden's lifeless body.


"You did not tell me that you made friends with a dwarf." Thranduil said while he fought side by side with his son.

"He's a good dwarf, Father." Legolas replied, shooting an arrow at one of the corsairs.

Calen joined the group and they finally broke the entrance door of the ship. They saw Gideon stepping down the stairs as they entered.

"Thranduil." He said, pulling out his swords.

"I will deal with him. Go find her." The Elvenking ordered.

Legolas nodded and left with Gimli and Calen.

Thranduil pulled out his twin swords, seeing Gideon with Mirialia's light made him flared up with anger even more.

"Make sure your swords are sharp, elf king." Gideon mocked.

"Make sure you have been taught well." Thranduil answered back.

The corsair attacked first, his hatred and hunger to kill the Elvenking showed up on his face. Thranduil was able to dodge and repel every assault. After a series of fight, Gideon was left with just one sword. The corsair, being taught well with the blade, still did not give up. But Thranduil, being the best sword fighter, was able to fully disarmed him. Finally, Gideon's last sword was thrown away from his hand and Thranduil stabbed him on the chest.

"That is for Anvanya." Thranduil said angrily.

The corsair groaned in pain.

"And this is for taking my beloved's light." Thranduil said.

Thranduil pulled out the sword from Gideon's chest, and cut off his head.


Shileiko saw everything that happened. She ran for her life and headed down to a secret stair to get out of the ship.

"You are not going anywhere, witch!" a voice called out.

She turned around to see the white wizard. Holding her wand, she pointed it at him and chanted a spell, but Gandalf was able to repel it.

"Your wand is broken." The wizard echoed.

Suddenly, Shileiko's wand broke into pieces.

"You will be stripped off of your power and never shall be again learn the dark arts." Gandalf added.

Shileiko screamed in pain as her power was being taken away. "Curse you!" she shouted.

"With that being said.." a female voice said behind her. "You shall face death!"

It was Eowyn. She pulled out her sword and pierced it on the witch.

"It is over." Gandalf finally said.

Outside the ship, the army of Rohan, together with the elves, defeated the corsairs.


"The dark spell is lifting." Calen said as he stood in front of a huge door with Legolas and Gimli.

When the spell was fully gone, they quickly entered. But what they saw was a body of a maiden lying lifelessly on the floor.

"No." was all the Prince could say.


Thank you for reading!

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