This Was For Real

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I was on my way to breakfast, Harry had already left without me, and I was going to yell at him. I was almost there when I saw Draco burst through the door and make a speedy getaway. I caught his eye and saw the anguish. I ran after him, making sure no one saw me, and followed him right into the bathroom. The un-used one occupied by Moaning Murtle.

I was crying in front of the sink. I walked over to him and took his hand.

We stared at each other. I could feel our silly sweet romance turn into passion. We weren't joking around anymore. This was for real.

Words weren't needed. I ran my fingers over the Mark.

"Did it hurt?" I asked referring to when he was first branded with the dark mark.

"Yeah." He said.

"Does it ever hurt still?"

"It burns sometimes, but it's his way of communicating." He explained.

"It's kind of creepy looking." I said.

He chuckled. "You think?" Sarcasm flooded his words.

I gazed up at him lovingly. Despite his obvious pain and suffering, his laugh was still angelic.

My heart raced when he stared into my eyes.

I opened my mouth to say it, but the words were caught in my throat.

"I-um..." I cleared my throat. "You're kind of..." All I think about? My reason for living? Come on, Jane! What are you doing?!?!!?! I asked myself.

I looked down at my hands. He turned to face me, more silent tears streaming down his face. He lifted his hand to my chin and made me look at him.

"I know." He whispered.

I wiped his tears away and held his face in my hands.

"You're not the only one, Draco," I said, "I'm suffering too."

He kissed me passionately. I deepened the kiss and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Let's get out of here." He said breaking the kiss and entwining my fingers with his.

"Umm...I can't." I said.

"Why not?" he asked looking at me.

"I promised to meet Harry..." He eyes were suddenly filled with anger.

"When are you going to break up with him?" he asked.

I opened mouth to answer, only I couldn't. The truth was, I didn't want to break up with him because it would hurt him too much, and probably me too.

"I, umm.." I started

He sighed. "Look, Jane...I know you still have feelings for him. But I am not going to wait for you forever, and honestly, I don't like you hanging out with him. You really are going to have to chose."

"You've known about me and Harry since the beginning," I said, "So why are you doing this all of a sudden?"

"Jane," He said looking deep into my eyes, "it is getting to the point where you need to decide."

"Why?" I asked.

"Jane," he said sternly, "no more goofing around. I know you're conflicted. I know that you don't even know what you want. You say you will break up with him and that you want me, but I know that you aren't even positive about what you want. And I know how much you care for him, and I don't like it. So please, make a decision and stick to it."

Where was all of this coming from? He had to have a reason for saying this...He never seemed to care that much...wait a does he know exactly how I feel? Did I ever tell him that?

" do you know that?" I asked realization just beginning to dawn on me.

He said nothing, he just continued staring at me.

And just seeing the look on his face, I knew...

"Draco Malfoy have you been reading my diary?!" I asked horrified.

He shifted his weight but didn't say or do anything.

"Oh my God!! I CANNOT believe you!!! You actually read my diary!"

"Well, technically I didn't read you're diary..."

"What do you mean??" I demanded, now officially infuriated. "Wait a minute...writing 'secret' doesn't really work does it?!?!"

"Umm..." seeing the look in my eye, he sighed and decided to go with the truth, "no, not exactly."

I was in shock. "You're unbelievable!!" I said walking away.

"Jane, wait..." he said desperately.

I ignored him and kept walking, tears in my eyes and horrified by what he had done and the secrets that he knows.


I went to the common room and just totally skipped out on breakfast. How could I eat after that? I just lay down on the couch and stared into the fire that no longer emits heat because of the weather outside. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the peace of being alone.

And once I felt somewhat more peaceful and calm, I thought of Draco and got angry all over again. So instead of thinking about Draco, I thought of Harry. I smiled and thought about everything that was Harry, and soon there was no stopping the memories from resurfacing...

Lavendar was so funny! The two of us were giggling and gossiping in the courtyard. The Yule Ball was only a week away and Lavendar was telling me all about how Michael Corner had asked her to go with him. I did not have a date yet, but I was not concerned about it at all.

"Aww that's so cute!" I squealed. I was so engaged in the conversation that I did not even see where I was going. I walked straight into Harry Potter.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!!" I said politely.

He smiled. "It's no problem."

"I wasn't looking where I was going!" I smiled sheepishly.

He chuckled. "No problem at all."

I smiled and began to walk away when he called me again saying, "It's Jane, right?"

"Mhm." I responded, "And you're Harry."

He smiled at me. "Hey, um...would you, by any chance, want to go to the ball with me?" he asked as a blush creeped up onto his face.

The world stopped spinning as I smiled and answered, "Yeah, that'd be awesome."

"Really? Alright, cool. Well, I have to go but I'll talk to you later." He said.

"Sure. See you around, Harry."

I had worn a light blue dress to the Yule Ball. They made a big deal about the champions of the Triwizard Tournament to make a grand entrance and start the first dance. I didn't really mind the whole ordeal but I could tell that Harry had been less than thrilled.

As the night went on I could tell that Harry didn't like dancing, so I gave him a break. We drank some punch and talked at a table. And whenever I felt the urge to dance, I didn't torture him and danced with Hermione.

It was getting kind of crazy with the Weird Sisters and the whole dance was not as appealing anymore. Harry and I were sitting at the table talking, and I felt sparks with him. He asked me if I had wanted to take a walk. Of course, I went.

He was so gentle, so kind, so caring. That first kiss was so sweet it left so many butterflies flapping in my stomach.

We were so innocent. Just two fourteen year olds taking a walk and falling for one another. We weren't thinking about tomorrow, we weren't thinking about the tournament, we weren't worried about anything...

And at that time, I certainly wasn't thinking about Draco Malfoy.

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