This Is It

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It’s been four months and a lot has changed. 

Crazy as it sounds, I still haven’t named my baby. I wanted to wait for Draco. I’m not stupid though, I know that this war could go on for years. So, I guess I just keep putting it off. 

Fleur is so good with her. The way she looks at this baby melts my heart. She is so gentle and kind and will definitely make an amazing mom someday. 

Baby is so much bigger now. My love for her grows every minute, though I never thought it was possible. 

I was spying on Fleur. She was feeding the baby and humming at the same time. Baby was falling asleep. Something tugged on my heart. 

That was when Remus showed up. 

“I’ve just received word, Harry is at Hogwarts. This is it. Right now.” 

My body went numb. 

Bill jumped up off the couch, and kissed a terrified looking Fleur. 

“It’s going to be alright.” He assured her. She simply nodded, eyes wide. 

Before the two men disapparated, I stopped them. 

“I’m coming.” I told them. 

“Jane...” Remus tried to stop me. 

“I’m of age. I have a daughter! Don’t try to stop me!” 

“So don’t you think you should be here protecting your child?!” Remus argued. 

“You can’t stop me, Remus. I’m coming.” 

Time wasting, they agreed and Fleur promised to watch over Baby with her life, as I knew in my heart she would. 


You could tell the fighting had already started when we arrived. There was screaming and explosions and curses being sent everywhere. I stayed with Remus even though I didn’t want to. The only thing I wanted was to find Draco. 

Following Remus and Bill through the hallways was annoying. Each second made me more and more scared for Draco. Even though that sounds selfish it was true. I mean, don’t get me wrong I was terrified for everyone. But Draco was my first concern. The only thing taking over my thoughts. 

Two death eaters saw us and began attacking. Remus, Bill, and I began dueling with them. Two against three really isn’t fair, but we won because I’m so amazing at dueling. I can get very sarcastic when I’m terrified. Can you tell? 

Anyways, we ran into Ginny and Luna a minute later and I stayed with them while Bill and Remus ran off to join the rest of the fighting. We really didn’t know what to do other than run. What else could we have done? 

We ran into two more death eaters and took them out (petrified) them in about five minutes. It was exhausting. I was getting really sweaty from the nerves, adrenaline, and physical excursion. 

Then the wall next to us decided to blow up. We were blown off our feet and into the wall. 

“You ok, Gin?” I asked her. She nodded, her face covered in dirt. She began coughing. 

“Luna?” I asked. She nodded also, then said “you’re bleeding, Jane.” in a very sweet voice. 

“Yeah, look as awkward at this is, I need to use the bathroom but I’ll find you guys later!” I said running off in the other direction before they could stop me. 

That wasn’t true of course. I’m not going to use the bathroom in the middle of a battle. How insane would that be? I mean I suppose if you really had to go.....ew no. That’s enough of that talk. 

No, I went off to find Draco. I tripped over a rock. It scared me more than anything but didn’t really hurt me. 

Suddenly I was aware of the cut on my arm that was slightly bleeding. 

I was sure I was completely covered in dirt from that explosion. Not that it mattered. I mean the only thing that matters is finding Draco. Because he is definitely alive. Definitely. 

And I will find him. 

I will. 

So I found Draco. I have no clue how long I had been looking for him but if you want to know the truth each moment felt like an eternity. Cliche but completely true. 

Where was Draco you ask? Well, it’s kind of weird how I found him. 

I just turned the corner and there he was. On the floor. Retching. 

Gut reaction knee-jerk reaction because I’m an extremely worried and slightly insane fiance...scream “Draco!” and run over to him as quickly as possible. I’m there so quickly it’s crazy. I’m rubbing his back because he’ know....sick. He was crying too. 

“Shh it’s ok.” I whispered trying to soothe him. 

It wasn’t until I heard a horrified voice say my name that I realized Draco and I were not alone. I looked up to see shock, horror, outrage, and confusion on four faces. 

Gregory Goyle, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and the boy who thinks he’s the father of my child, Harry Potter. 



It's been a long time kids. Please do not hate me for the wait, I'm extremely sorry! But hey, at least I updated right? I promise next chapter won't take as long!!

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