Change of Plan. Change of Life

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So sometimes there’s just one thing that you never want to happen. Like, one thing that could possibly be one of the worst things that could happen. For me, honestly it really wasn’t the worst thing...death of a loved one would be the worst thing. But it’s one of those ‘Uh-oh’ moments that are so intense and dramatic that you have no idea if the person is going to explode or faint because it’s just too much to handle. 

This was one of those moments. 

I mean, how would you take it if you just found out that your significant other was cheating on you with your sworn enemy? 

My jaw dropped in shock. Mostly at my stupidity. And also at the awkwardness of the situation. 

I couldn’t bring myself to even look at Harry for obvious reasons. I didn’t know if I could handle witnessing any more pain on his face, especially knowing that I caused it and I ruined our relationship forever. 

I couldn’t look at Hermione’s face because, well, I glanced at it and the shock, hurt and anger was also too much for me to handle. Knowing that I destroyed our friendship forever and that we will probably never trust each other with another secret or have another sleepover ever again was way to much for me to even think about. 

So I watched Ron’s reaction. I love him so much as a brother, and he’s the one most likely to forgive me out of all of them. I highly doubt he ever will, but it’s much more of a sting when it’s your supposed girlfriend or your best friend. I mean, not that I wasn’t very close to Ron, just that it was less of a betrayal against him than the other two. 

So I watched him. The main thing his face gave away was confusion. He looked extremely confused. But then his eyes started to grow in horror as he realized what was going on and he just slowly started shaking his head ‘no’ as if simply denying the reality would make it nonexistent. 

“Jane?” It was Hermione who spoke. I stared at her because there was nothing I could say. “What’s going on?” She asked. 

I tried to answer. I opened and closed my mouth several times probably looking like a guppy but nothing intelligent came out of my mouth. No words or anything. 

“Please give me some sort of logical explanation...” She begged me.

Tears were started to fill her eyes. 

Seeing that was too much for me. I glanced at Harry. Looking into his eyes I felt like a part of me died. He hated me that much was clear. If looks could kill....but at the same time there was a hint of hope. Like, he was waiting for my response to see what his next move would be. 

I looked back at Hermione tears forming in my eyes again, I breathed gently through my mouth before saying in a soft quiet voice that I was surprised I even had the strength to make the words, “I can’t.” 

That’s when all hell sort of broke loose. 

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