>~Aoyama & Cementos & Hatsume & Dark Shadow~<

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Scenario: Reader has a quirk that allows her to become invisible, however she is also blind when she activates it.


✨🍷 Honestly hates his S/O's quirk. They can't see him when they're fighting together??? Would honestly flip a table in anger. He's at his prime when fighting glamorously.

✨🍷 On the other hand, all the attention would be on him! What a sad price to pay...

✨🍷 Wants to fight his S/O's parents, how dare they curse his S/O with their horrid quirk genetics! In constant turmoil 24/7 because of the damn quirk.


🌑 Cementos couldn't care less about his S/O's quirk. He cares for them not their power.

🌑 However it would be a disadvantage if they were to work together. How would he maneuver his cement around if he couldn't see them?


🛠 So many great opportunities to create more babies with her S/O's quirk—

🛠 The inventions you sick perverts, ahem—, a costume that could disappear with her S/O, or maybe goggles that can allow her partners to see her!

🛠 Her S/O's quirk is useful if she isn't supposed to have company in her workstation. Powerloader will never know...

Dark Shadow (without Tokoyami)

🧞‍♂️ Rarely sees S/O because he usually only comes out during training, when S/O is invisible...

🧞‍♂️ Tokoyami is lost whenever Dark Shadow approaches S/O. He rarely talks to them, so why does his quirk?

🧞‍♂️ Tríes to hug S/O but utterly fails each time. Thinks they're one place, but is actually in another.

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