>~Momo & Todoroki & Ida~<

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      Scenario: Students receive some after school help. Characters may be O.O.C because they are based off some scenarios cherryblossomsamurai and I mess around with.

💰💎💸 Held after school for something random, probably an award, but Aizawa ends up falling asleep in the teachers lounge. Leaving the students unattended.

💰💎💸 Better believe breakfast club shenanigans ensue—

💰💎💸 Momo totally makes spitballs and aims for Todoroki. His dumbass not realizing they're in his hair until after Ida points it out.

💰💎💸 Ida dramatically bawls because he believes he somehow got detention??? Bitch df??

💰💎💸 Todoroki constantly mumbling that he's sleepy, but never attempts to sleep.

💰💎💸 Momo is slowly, but surely, losing her sanity. Todoroki and Ida are good friends, but not for this long. She starts to plan their murder.

💰💎💸 The only thing holding her back is the thought of Jirou...how could Momo see her in prison?

💰💎💸 Momo would totally throw dollars at Todoroki, trying to get him to dance. He tries, but completely fails.

💰💎💸 Who knew somebody could mess up the Macarena so bad???

💰💎💸 "Wait no—can I restart?" "I'm taking my money back."

💰💎💸 Ida halfheartedly tries to stop them, but he's still crying over the thought of him getting detention.

💰💎💸 Aizawa comes back, but leaves immediately. Who knew his star pupils were so,...crazy?

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