>~Tamaki & Shindo~<

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F - Feelings; When they realize their feelings.
Tamaki.exe has broken. When he realizes his feelings, he's just a ball of stress and worry.

T - Together; How clingy are they?
Tamaki can be relatively clingy. Once he's comfortable in a relationship, he has the habit of holding his S/O's hand when he's nervous. However, if it becomes a problem, he'll tone it done if his S/O confronts him.


A - Affection; How affectionate are they on a day to day basis? Are they more so public or private with their affection?
Shindo is affectionate, to the point one would think he's a puppy. He's big on P.D.A, and even bigger in affection in private.

F - Feelings; When they realize their feelings.
Shindo first realizes he has, actual, feelings when he continues in his flirting towards his S/O. Once he realizes, he's quick to do a proper confession.

T - Together; How clingy are they?
Shindo is clingy, especially when he's jealous. He loves holding his S/O, and sometimes it can be annoying.

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