>~Mirio & Tamaki~<

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A - Affection; How affectionate are they on a day to day basis? Are they more so public or private with their affection?
      Mirio is extremely affectionate. He's so energetic, and now he can put that energy into showing his S/O love, sign him up! Mirio's big on P.D.A, though he holds back sometimes; he realizes people may get uncomfortable. In private his affection is multiplied tenfold.

C - Cuddle; How do they cuddle?
        Mirio cuddles with his S/O at any chance he gets. It's scary how he can cuddle with his S/O in almost any scenario. He loves to have his S/O in between his arms.

G - Gentle; Are they gentle? If so, how?
      Mirio is overall, a gentle giant. He focuses more on gentling his commanding demeanor. He's used to taking charge, especially with Tamaki, he wants his relationship to be 50/50. He doesn't want his S/O to feel pressured by this.

H - Hand/Hold; How do they like to hold hands, or hold their S/O?
      Mirio simply adores holding his S/O! He's big on holding hands, or snaking an arm around their waist. He's even prone to giving his S/O piggy-back rides.

M - Memory; Best memory they have with their S/O?
Mirio's best memory with his S/O occurred in his dorm's kitchen. His S/O and Eri were making caramel apples, when he decided to join in. He ultimately just sat on the side cracking jokes, but seeing the smiling faces of his S/O and Eri...that made his day.


A - Affection; How affectionate are they on a day to day basis? Are they more so public or private with their affection?
Tamaki is rarely affectionate on his on accord. He doesn't know how to initiate it, and his anxiety wards him away from trying. Once he's more comfortable in a relationship and has a better idea of romantic gestures, he becomes more affectionate in private. He would stop working if he was to do P.D.A or receive it.

C - Cuddle; How do they cuddle?
Tamaki at the beginning of the relationship is uncomfortable with it, but if his S/O eases him into it, he enjoys it. He enjoys laying his head on their lap or chest, while his S/O runs their hands through his hair. He'll never directly initiate cuddling. He'd scoot closer to his S/O, and hope they'd get the idea.

G - Gentle; Are they gentle? If so, how?
Tamaki is always gentle, except with villains. In a relationship there isn't much difference.

H - Hand/Hold; How do they like to hold hands, or hold their S/O?
Tamaki rarely holds his S/O, he prefers to be held. (Little Spoon!!!) He enjoys holding their hand though, whenever he feels anxious he twiddles with their fingers.

M - Memory; Best memory they have with their S/O?
Tamaki's best memory with his S/O would have to be when they first confessed to him. His crush liked him, and he didn't have to go through confessing!

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