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I wake up early, take a quick shower and put on some comfy clothes. I leave the bedroom, not glancing at Gabe once. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and start making breakfast. As I'm cooking, I get a text from Alexis saying that they're just getting off the plane and that as soon as the van comes to pick them up, they're coming straight here. Alexis, Rachel, Claire, who I just found out that was coming, Adam, Dakota, Char, and I are going out today to buy a few things for the 4th of July that's in a few days. I don't really feel like going anywhere with anyone today.

As I'm cooking, I hear someone walking in the kitchen. I turn around to see Gabe watching me make breakfast. I turn back around and continue to cook. We didn't make no eye contact or said one word to each other. Mahogany and Bella come downstairs. "Daddy!" They both yell from behind

"Good morning kiddos!" He speaks.

I make the girl's plates while they're talking to Gabe. As I'm finishing up, I feel the girl's arms wrapped around my legs. I look down at them, they look up at me and smile, "Morning Mommy." They both say, smiling.

"Morning angels," I grab their plates. "Are you guys ready to eat?" They both nod.

 "Are you guys ready to eat?" They both nod

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I take their plates to a table. They sit down and start to eat. I walk back in the kitchen; Gabe was still standing in the exact same spot. I grab a plate, "Do you want any breakfast?" He shook his head. I place the plate back on the counter, "Okay, everyone is going to be here any minute. I'm going upstairs, I'll be right back."

I get on the elevator, walk to my room, lock the door, sit in a chair, and look out at the view of Hawaii, thinking. I didn't hear anyone from outside the room because the room was soundproof, thank God. I open the door to the patio, only to hear the waves crashing and the bird chirping outside. I close my eyes and go to my happy place. A few years after Mahogany was born, I went to a therapist after everything that happened. My therapist would always tell me whenever I feel like giving up or depress, go to an empty room, and try to find your inner peace or happy place.

I laid back in the chair and sigh, going into my happy place. I just see the first time when Gabe and I were together. When we were both went to the beach having fun, not worrying about my job, people, or any drama; just being happy with our lives. Feeling peaceful being all alone together, away from everyone. That's when I had an idea. I open my eyes, get up from the chair, change out of my clothes, pack my backpack, and call an Uber. Now all I must do is sneak out without anyone noticing. I open the bedroom door only to hear everyone downstairs talking. I get on the elevator, since it was close to the door, and go down to the first floor. When I make it down, I see everyone in the dining room laughing, eating the breakfast I made.

I quietly walk to the front door, only to be met by Gabe. We both look at each other for a while. I walk pass him and walk out the door. I walk outside to see the Uber waiting for me. I get in the car and tell the driver my destination.

Exhale: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now