Prologue: Flowers

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I finished praying to myself, finally getting the urge to get out of the car. I take a deep breath and grab the flowers from the passenger seat. I open the back door and help Dakota get out the car. Michael gets out of the car. We walk up a hill to the cemetery, Dakota held my hand the entire walk up there. Once we stop at the tombstones, I took off the old flowers that were on the cemeteries and place the new ones on there. Michael place the flowers on Keisha's, which was on the left. Dakota place flowers on Mama's grave, which was on the right, both Ma and Keisha had the angel stones on top of their tombstones. And right in the middle was Isabella's, she had baby in God's hands on hers. I place flowers on her grave.

Since I was released from the hospital, I've been staying with Alexis, along with Dakota and Michael. I decided to break up Gabe and move out of his place. After Issy's funeral, Gabe and I argued almost every day, last month. I still haven't told him about the baby, I never found the right time to tell him about it. If we weren't arguing at home, he would stay at work so he wouldn't have to deal with me.

I let out a deep sigh, "Okay guys, you're ready to go?" They both nod.

I hold Kota's hand and walk to the car. I start the car and drive off. We were all quiet in the car. Michael doesn't really talk much after Keisha's death. He's in therapy and a support group with boys who have lost their parents also. "Brina?" Dakota asks.

"Yes?" I smile, looking at her through the rear-view mirror.

"What's New Jersey is going to be like when we move there?" Kota asks.

Now that I'm almost done with my courses at NYU. After Graduation, I'm moving to New Jersey and starting my magazine there. Alex and Adam are going to help me with the Magazine also. Hopefully, it'll go great by the end of the year. I have been contacting a few investors and applying for business loan that will help me get my magazine off the ground.

"It's going to be fun," I smile trying to cheer her up. Dakota doesn't want to leave New York. She's still a little upset that we left Gabe's house. She thinks because Gabe and I are over, she won't get to be with Charlotte. I tell her that her and Char will still be close, and she will be able to see everyone when ever she wants. I just can't deal with seeing Gabe's family. Even though that was the first family I was close to in a long time, I can't face them after the breakup.

"But I'll be far away from Char?" A tear shed from her eye. I pull the car over and park it, "Kota come up here." She sits in my lap. I wipe the tear from her face. "I promise you that I won't split you and Charlotte up. She could stay the night with us every weekend if you would like that." She smiles and nods, "Good, now how about we go pick up Charlotte and we all go out to eat." Her smile even bigger.

She crawls back to her seat and put on her seatbelt. I start the car and drive to Zach's house.

Six Years Later

"So today is your last day?"

I nod "Yes. Today is my last day in New Jersey. I move back to New York tomorrow." I smile, "Today is also our last appointment together."

I've been seeing my therapist Dr. Joyce for the past five years. She's been helping me get back on my feet, helping me learn to take care of myself independently.

"It is." She smiles, "I'm really going to miss you. I'm so proud of you. You've grown so much these past five years."

"I know. I thought I was going to lose everything and that my life was over after I left Gabe." I frown when I said his name, but I smile again, "But I was wrong. I live in a beautiful house with my kids, I have a great Magazine company that's skyrocketing in the U.S., and I'm enjoying my life one day at a time."

"That's great. So, when you go back to New York," She clear her throat, "are you going to tell Gabriel about 'you know who?'" She asks.

I slowly nod, "I am, but I don't know when or how to tell him. I mean what if he's still that busy guy he was when we were together. What if he gets mad at me and never wants to see me again? Or what if he doesn't want..." My voice began to break.

"Sabrina from what you told me; Gabe is not going to react like that. Yes, he might be mad, but he'll get over it if he still loves you."

"Really?" She nods which makes me smile, "I'll tell him the first time I see him."

"Dr. Joyce, you're two o'clock is here," Her secretary says over the speaker.

"Well Sabrina, I guess it's that time," We both get up and give each other a hug. "You call me when you settle in New York and call me anytime."

I smile, "I promise."

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