It took very little time for the three to collapse onto the ground, weeping and crying as they held onto each other, looking for reassurance and comfort in each other, their arms wrapped tightly around each other as they faced the ground, crying out of anguish and distress, out of sadness, out of anger, out of nervousness and out of heartache, deep, unexplainable heartache, an ache so profound, they could feel their chests tightening, and they cried, choosing to let out the unbearable pain rather than holding it all in, thus under the nurturing eyes and care of their three Hyungs.

The eldest watched the vampires in despair, his eyes filled with worry and concern, red with the kept tears which he managed to hold it so well. He hated seeing those three in such pain, such hopelessness and misery, it ached his heart, his mind, his everything. He wouldn't forgive himself if he let them be in so much sorrow, but at the moment, there was nothing he could do rather than let them cry, and allow their feelings to escape.

The usually bright sunshine of the household wasn't as happy and ecstatic as usual, his blinding smile now replaced with a sickening frown which didn't suit his gorgeous features at all, the glow he held usually now absent, his eyes bloodshot as he let silent tears escape and taint his soft cheeks with a line of clear priceless liquid which shouldn't have to escape the warm sea of his eyes in the first place, such a beautiful soul deserved not to feel sadness or ache, but the sight of the three youngest members of their family crying in such melancholy had simply destroyed him, his positivity, his brightness, and frankly, everything he stood for, but he needed to let them free the overwhelming gloominess that had dirtied their hearts.

As for the second eldest, with his unflinching expression of carelessness and indifference, his eyes not holding a drop of emotion in them, thus despite the large amount of undying ache that had filled the whole of his body, causing him to look away, unable to take a look at the three youngest weeping and crying to their heart's desire. 

When had this happened? When had those three little brats become such emotional souls? 

Yoongi was in a state of distress and pure anger because those three weren't supposed to ever feel the bad emotions that life threw at one's self, their life was supposed to be rainbows and unicorns. 

When had their life gone so wrong that those three were forced to feel such unhappiness? Why was Jin not being the recklessly bossy person he was? And why was Hoseok crying?! 

Hoseok, the one vampire who was more positive than any human on this earth, hell, he was even more positive than a Disney princess! And yet, here he was, he stood watching the weeping trouble-trio whilst Hoseok and Seokjin acted way too out of character for his liking, and Yoongi didn't wish for this.

He wanted them to go back to what they were like, with him writing music, Namjoon reading, Hoseok helping Seokjin gardening whilst Jungkook and Taehyung played video games under Jimin's watchful eyes, with a lovely, gorgeous, amazing and simply beautiful and human bride looking over them from the top of the staircase, unaware of his own gaze at her splendid features. It seemed like those days were only a few weeks back, and yet, they felt like they were forever ago, and now they were stuck in a gloomy miserable stage, all because of an incestuous woman, his asshat of an uncle, his scum of a mother and their whore of an ex-bride. 

Turning his head towards the mansion, he looked at the large building with sorrowful ocean eyes, his vision blurred by the tears that now coated his orbs, tears he never thought he'd feel trailing down his cheek, but all the whilst, he stared, visioned and silently wept at the broken mess their household had become, much like it had all those years ago. His eyes squinted into a dangerous glare as his left hand tightened into a fist.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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