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A Sunbae Is One For A Reason



"I cannot believe you skipped your equitation course, Yoongi!"

Little Yoongi coughed, his cheeks felt so hot, his nose was a sniffing mess and his hair wet from sweat that covered his forehead, sticking to it. His puffy cheeks from lack of sleep, and their reddened color heightened his sick appearance, without even mentioning his eyes; his bloodshot, tear-filled eyes that looked at his mother with an unexplainable pain; a pain that demanded to be let out, to be felt.

The woman facing him, the woman he called 'Mama', the woman who had raised him, that woman wasn't looking at those signs, she was looking at him with pure anger, not a hint of pity or mercy in the cold brown eyes that were hidden behind a pair of glasses; she didn't even have any affection for him, she stared at him as if it was his fault he was currently ill. Yoongi lowered his eyes, unable to stare at his mother any longer; it made him want to cry far too much.

He thanked God that his brother was by his side, holding his hand in defense, arguing to their mother that he was sick and the butler hadn't let him leave the house, even so, their mother was deaf to those arguments and explications; she kept telling him that he was weak, far too weak, despite his inhuman nature, she even went as far as telling him that she wished she had only gotten pregnant once; and that he was never intended, he was an accident; a mistake.

His large brown eyes were bright with tears, looking down at the ground as Jin-hyung helped him up the stairs and into his room, his sickeningly large room that he wanted to share with someone; anyone. At that moment, he felt completely alone, and he truly wanted his elder brother to stay with him; but he knew he'd cause him problems if their mother went to his room and didn't find him there.

He changed himself, like the big boy he was, into his silky pink pajamas before he tried to climb onto the bed, the bed that was far too high for his little legs, but even so, he didn't complain, he just kept on trying, and trying and trying till he succeeded; but of course, his mother, his father, his brother were never there to witness his success, simply his failures. Simply his mistakes.

He bit his lower lip hard, clutching the loud sobs that were threatening to leave his mouth, and after a while, blood started dripping down his chin, and the previously present tears that glossed his eyes had disappeared, as well as the loud chokes and sobs he was going to let out. He was sick of this. Yoongi was sick of life, but no matter how many times he tried to end this excuse of a life, he wouldn't be able to; blame it on his invincible nature.

He let out a breath before he fell down on his bed. He was only nine years old, and yet, he had to live things that even ninety years old did not have to go through, perhaps that was his life was supposed to be like, dull and full of hard emotions, perhaps that would be what allowed him to dream, dream about a better life filled with all sorts of arts; a Technicolor scene with bright lights and a large multicolor pianoforte in the middle, music coming from all corners, beautiful daisies and large terraces with swings and slides, topped off with a turquoise colored country house with a classic red roof and a large white oak door; that was Yoongi's dream.

Playing till his fingers would bleed wouldn't be an issue, hell, nothing would be. He could imagine himself playing piano till he grew old, and then find a lovely girl who enjoyed music as much as he did and as her to be his wife, they'd have only one child; one child who he would offer all of his love and attention to, one child he'd cover in kisses, that child would never have to sleep alone.

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