Two dorks in love, that is.

I ran, following her skipping, practically flying, figure as she moved on from hall to hall, corridor to corridor, room to room. Was she perhaps, looking for someone? It seemed like my assumptions were right since she abruptly stopped when she spotted Jimin, a Jimin I couldn't quite recall. He looked quite childish, with his chubby cheeks and his natural brown hair, his eyes full of hope, but something about him hadn't changed, his adorable smile.

Seeing him smile, the young woman I was following gave him an awe-worthy smile, it was simply attractive, this woman was making butterflies flutter in my stomach but murdering my self-esteem all at once, it was so... aggravating. I wished to scream. She ran his way and I followed behind, stopping as she set her hands on her hips, giving him a sickeningly sweet pout. I could see it in Jimin's large eyes, he begged to kiss that pout, it was so noticeable.

"Jimin-ah! You've been ignoring me all week!" She declared, her voice was honey coated- Actually, scratch that, her voice was pure honey.

The younger male blushed, offering her a sad frown. "Mianhae, Noona. I've been busy with studying, Eomma says I still have a long way to go if I want to be the heir." He spoke, his hand meeting his hair as he pushed it back, earning a whine from the smaller girl.

"Jimin-ah! Don't tire yourself out! I don't want my future husband to be all tired when we marry!" She declared loudly and I swear, my eyes popped right out of their sockets.

Marry? Marriage? Husband? Heir? Marriage? Marriage?!

Jimin blushed, his cheeks heavily dusted with his embarrassment in color form. I choked on a little bit on my spit, unable to hear or believe what I just heard, or what followed.

"N-Noona... Don't say absurd things, you're g-going to marry J-Jin-hyung!" He declared and my choke just got chokier. I felt my breath leave my lungs, what were they talking about? If they were married then wher-

"Oh come on! You know I will never marry that boring guy! He's so serious and mother-like! I would never marry him! I'd hire him as a chef instead!" She spoke loudly and my eyebrows furrowed, what on earth?

"W-What about Yoongi-hyung, huh?" He questioned and she chuckled.

"He's so... stupid! All the time in his music sheets! He never cares about anything but his music, he never goes out either! He's even more boring than his brother! And to top it off, he's so dumb! He never studies! Not like you, Jimin-ah! Music is so useless!" She exclaimed and I felt my choke coming back once more. What?

This girl, this wide eyes and laughing girl who I'd just seen, a few moments ago so immersed in the idea of music was now saying that art was useless? I felt slightly betrayed, and I didn't want to know what Yoongi would've felt like if he heard her words, her unconsciously mean words. 

I was hoping for a 'Just kidding' or a 'That's a joke! Duh!' following her harsh statements but nothing. This girl was the true meaning of foxiness. I hadn't expected her two-faced personality; I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover, in this case, the cover was a honey coated cake slice, one with a bad taste, what a price.

Just a moment before, I felt like a mere speck of dust at the sole of her dirtied shoes, and now I felt genuinely shocked by her behavior. But perhaps, perhaps it was an act, I decided to simply keep listening on the conversation; maybe there was more to the story. I had been in such a trance though, I didn't catch the rest of the discussion, I simply caught the young woman kissing Jimin's cheek and his utter embarrassment before she skipped away once more; and I followed her so, my legs moving on their own.

Next step, she went into what seemed like a large study, and I followed her into it, sliding my body right through the small gap before she closed the door. There was a stern looking man, his dark hair messy, falling carelessly on his glass shielded eyes, they were lowered onto a number of papers and his tired complexion made me realize almost instantly who he was; he was the man who was standing with the serious woman I'd seen in the portrait, back in the basement. The serious woman I assumed was Yoongi and Jin's mother, which meant this had to be their father.

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