Toast, Drag Queens, And Yang's Desire For A Girl With Bigger Tiddies

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She practically flung herself through the door to the gym as her knees screamed out in pained anguish, as if they were small children demanding their mother tell them whether or not they were "nearly there yet". She knew power-walking back from the city would be a decision she would come to regret, but regrettable decisions were something of a specialty where Emily was concerned, from her early childhood on Weiss' least favourite island to right now, at Beacon Academy.

Walking over to the front of the gym, she found the AUX cord that connected to the room's remarkably bass-intensive speaker system, and plugged it into the headphone jack of her scroll; she had insisted on a scroll with a headphone jack to indulge her love of music, not all of which her teammates and friends necessarily appreciated. Emily placed her music on shuffle, and the speakers blared out a high-tempo dance song called "Read U Wrote U" which she'd found straight from the soundtrack of ProSmall's Drag Race and downloaded to her cloud library almost as soon as she got her scroll. She picked up a dumbbell in each of her square hands and began curling them up to her shoulders with the beat of the music, which- given the huntress-but-not-really's eclectic music taste- would likely soon change to something like Aerosmith's "Dream On" or even something more bizarre like Nicole's Atlesian-language masterpiece "Ein Bißchen Frieden".

After several sets of fifteen reps each- per hand, no less- she switched over to the gymnasium's knackered-looking pectoral deck for two reasons:
One: it allowed her to work not only her biceps but her chest muscles as well (a bigger chest was a vital part of transition, Yang had told her the previous night during her diatribe of lustful philosophy). And of course, two: she could sit down on it while working out, so her knees felt a little less like she was wearing sandpaper fishnets.

Meanwhile, back in the dorm, Emily's seven bestest friends in the whole wide world.... okay, six bestest friends in the whole wide world, and also Weiss, had awoken from their slumber one by one, and were now tucking into a breakfast that consisted of towering stacks of toast and scrambled eggs galore. Charlie had fallen into his typical trap of worrying he hadn't prepared enough until he took a step back and realised he'd already cooked enough to feed the entirety of the academy, never mind the dormitory. This did not, however, deter Ruby from making a valiant attempt to consume it all- accompanied by an almost obscene amount of strawberry jam and butter. Charlie himself had made sure he had had what this author's grandmother would call a "healthy portion for a growing boy", which is to say he'd eaten a fuckton. He was, to be entirely honest, terrified about the Vytal Tournament, and the unknown quantity that was Team LOLI and had decided to feast to help himself out. In this respect, he was the polar opposite of his sister, who would typically stress-starve, avoiding eating so that she would have one less thing to worry about.

Yang had eaten a decent amount, but was now pushing her third portion of egg on toast around the plate as she pined for her closest friend and lover. Sure, she knew where Emily'd gone, and sure, she had every confidence that Emily would return for the time she had claimed she would- but part of her brain told her, almost compulsively, that she needed to worry. Or failing that, punch something. Yang dealt with most of her problems by punching them. She was also worried about the tournament, chiefly about her girlfriend's wellbeing. Her self-esteem was already pretty low; Yang knew, but daredn't think about just what Emily was at risk of doing to herself if she saw her team's performance as unsatisfactory.

"Charlie?" Weiss broke the angsty, moody silence with an enquiry. Charlie nodded to affirm that the silver-haired girl could indeed continue her question. "What bread is this?"
"Oh, it's Deanpay brand. It's called Best Of Both Worlds- it's 50:50 white and brown."
"Yes, Weiss, it is vegan." The heiress sighed a sigh of relief. "You see," Kerian barged into the conversation like an arctic fox bursting into an unsuspecting explorer's tent, "you get the best of both worlds!" He finished his sentence to the tune of a popular Hannah Montana song, causing Yang to visibly tighten Ember Celica around her pale, fleshy wrist.

"Oh shit!" Emily exclaimed to a room full of no-one in realisation. "I meant to do cardio today." Rather than resign herself to simply redesigning her workout schedule, Emily jumped out of the pectoral deck with the same speed and Blake-like agility that she had exited her bunk bed with that morning, and sprinted over to the rowing machine.

She strapped her feet into the almost-brace-like contraptions that were fastened to the machine to stop the user flying off the back- as Emily would likely do, owing to her limitless capability for utter clumsiness and sheer stupidity- and began to work up some pace on the machine- which had its resistance cranked up to eleven to pose her the greatest challenge possible. The rowing machine is one of my absolute favourite machines in any gym- and definitely my favourite cardio machine- she thought to herself as her arms, legs, and heart pumped to the tune of the rapturous "We're All In This Together" from the iconic Hunting Academy Musical- after all, it's so much easier on my legs than running on a treadmill or cross-trainer- or cycling on one of those godforsaken fake bikes. She looked up at the clock, and realised just how little time she had. She really didn't want to worry Yang, and especially Charlie, and so felt like she needed to be early to meet them. Mouthing the word "shit" to herself, she scooped up her scroll and began to determinedly hobble back toward the dorm.

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