The Soliloquy of Young Mister Winchester

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"Mr. Winchester, please show some respect to the fresh meat." Professor Port reprimanded the ginger heartthrob, the low and husky tone of his voice not altering remotely to show any form of annoyance or anger toward the student.

"Why, old man?" The boy gave the professor a disdainful glare, before rising out of his seat- his armour clunking- and beginning to amble around the bleachers in which the students were situated. "After all, we all know it's true. Me, pretty Miss Valkyrie, the lovely Miss Schnee, and especially my bro Russel." He paused to fist-bump the boy Emily assumed must go by Russel, as Weiss muttered something about "fucking plebs" under her breath. "And you may find yourself asking why our wonderful new friend Miss Kostov is such a freak, mightn't you, Peter? Well luckily I, Cardin Winchester, will tell you why." He passed the desk Team BECK were sat at without incident. "Firstly, you see this?" Cardin pulled his arm backwards and snatched the ebony-black cane that Emily had rested diagonally against the peeling veneer of the desk. "This is what me and my bros like to call a cripple stick. A special little stick used for helping the retarded, leg disabled, and downright genetically deficient get around the place, in some final, desperate plea to convince us normal people that they aren't the drooling, limping, dead-from-the-waist-down disgraces that they are."

Charlie saw the translucent beads of tears form in Emily's ocean-blue eyes, and began to rise in order to stand up for his best friend- only to feel her calloused, brittle-feeling hand pushing down on his shoulder to bring him back to his seated position. "Not to mention the fact she's dressed like some kind of 1970s proto-punk lesbian. Seriously, a corset with a combat skirt? Kostov, your scroll's ringing. It's from Patti Smith, she wants her slutty outfit back." Professor Port opened his mouth, but before he could further scold Cardin, the muscular student was off again on one of his numerous tangents about Emily. "In addition, not only does she look like Helena Bonham Carter's estranged homosexual cousin who lives in a recycling bin, she also is a homosexual." Audible gasps erupted from across the room, not least from Kerian Furry, which struck Emily as odd as he already knew that Yang and Emily were dating by the numerous and gratuitous public displays of affection they gleefully partook in.

"I mean, why else would I spy, with my beautiful, girl-pleasing eye, a little cripple casually snogging off the face of another female student in our midst. I won't name her of course, because I'm a respectful young man, and I respect her right to privacy regarding her sexuality. Even if what she did to the disgusting little mentally spazzy, nappy-shitting, cane-clutching piece of pond scum was more than public."
"And arousing!" Russel added, only to be responded with a wrathful "Shut up!" from the impassioned Cardin Winchester, whose face had now turned a deep, angry red from his ceaseless character dismantling of Emily Kostov. "I mean Russel, that's kinda strange. Not one person I know could ever love or be attracted to a filthy, deformed, retarded, handicapped, window-licking little invalid like our good friend Emily." Cardin put extra emphasis on the final word to suggest to Emily that, maybe, he knew her biggest secret.

Without warning, Charlie leapt out of his hard-backed, plastic seat, so that he was stood up facing- and in fact slightly outmeasuring- Beacon's most prolific bully, Cardin Winchester. With an almighty roar of unbridled anger, Charlie charged at the flame-haired hunter like a tiger chasing down the impala it planned to eat a hole into for its lunch, before winding back his closed fist, ready to punch Cardin Winchester.


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