Rudely Interrupted

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"So, I know that previously we discussed the idea of Yang and myself doing a duet." Emily told the five other trainee hunters who were sat around the coffee table- just as they had been before dinner. "No." Yang interjected, a semi-smile on her face, "you suggested we do a duet." Emily nodded slightly, mulling other the blonde's idea in her head. "Yes, I guess so. But still, are you gonna sing a duet with me? Or are you gonna carry on just mooching around the place, punching anything that irritates you." She asked Yang, teasingly. "That's not true!" Yang rebutted, a playful look in her eye indicating she wasn't truly annoyed with the cripple, "I haven't punched the drunkard yet!" Kerian nodded and shrugged as a way of showing concession, while Emily teased back, "Yeah because you shot him! And the pellets implanted in him!" She punctuated her point by gesturing- with the cane that was hitherto resting against the arm of her chair- to Yang's sizeable (but very much natural) breasts.

Before Yang could make a similarly superficial comment, the lovers' tiff was interrupted by the twisting of the doorknob that led out into the corridor. Yang cocked her fist, and Ruby pulled out Crescent Rose- in its compact rifle form- out of an instinctive distrust of any noise or person they could not identify. Such an incident had likely claimed the life of Summer, many moons ago- and Ruby was intent on making sure she did not share the same fate.

The door opened with a creak more unhealthy than the one made by Emily's knees and back whenever she got out of bed, and through it came an Asian boy, with flowing black hair, and a fashion sense that seemed to have no overall theme other than the colour green. Any hue, any shade, he didn't much care which. "Woah, it's just me!" He shuddered as he saw a combat ready band of sisters pointing their weapons at him. "My bad, do come in Ren." Ruby ceded, her manner far more subdued than any of the four newer recruits had seen from the black and red ball of hyperactivity up to this point, as she placed her deep red firearm back in its leather holster, as black as the night.

The boy- who Emily now knew was called Ren- casually strolled into the room, dragging behind him the butch ginger girl that introduced herself earlier to Emily as Nora Valkyrie. As he shut the door behind him, he let go of Nora's wrist- which now had a visible imprint of where Ren's hand had been previously; he trusted Nora not to open the door, mostly because he doubted her ability to focus on opening it for long enough to actually manage to escape.

"Nora, I think you've got something to say to... Miss Kostov? I don't think she's here though, I can't see a wheelchair." Ren said, first to his teammate that he had to parent, and during the latter half of the mini-diatribe, to nobody in particular. Emily sheepishly raised her hand above her almost unfeasibly frizzy hair, to identify herself as the unnecessarily honorific "Miss Kostov". Ren looked at her after she raised her hands, his pale pink irises giving him a calming, welcome facial appearance. "Sorry, should have seen the stick. Anyway, my friend has something to say to you, doesn't she, Nora?" Ren asked the ginger facetiously, as she was staring into space whilst imagining all the ways she could break Grimm's bones with her trusty Magnhild. "Nora!" He shouted at her, his voice husky and gravelly. She shook and screamed, not expecting to have her abnormally violent daydream interrupted. Ren gave her a disapproving look for all her troubles.

"Oh right, yeah, that." Nora answered, her words coming out faster than rounds from a Gatling gun. "Well, Miss Kostov, I'm sorry I assumed you were mentally disabled. It was insensitive and I won't do it again. But, as you never answered last time, can you talk?" Her question this time rang more of genuine curiosity than any kind of insensitivity or rudeness, and Emily was more than happy to answer. "Of course I can! My vocal cords aren't in my legs." She joked, giggling a little, which drew a small smirk from Ren and a fully fledged laughing fit from Nora.

No sooner had Ren arrived than he was gone, dragging his interesting, as Charlie would politely describe her when the door shut, friend with him, presumably back to their team's dorm; Charlie deduced this as studies did not take place on Sunday, and Ren had said the two were teammates. "She was strange." Kerian said, managing not to slur or grossly mispronounce a single word. "Yeah. Kinda cute though." Emily jibed, smirking at Yang as if to say I'm not going to leave you for her, but if you don't treat me right, I will. "Not as cute as you." Yang recovered from her verbal dragging-through-the-mud in surprisingly classy fashion, giving Emily a quick kiss on the cheek. Whether it was due to the affection or the alcohol, Kerian promptly gagged before regaining composure.

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