The Path More Travelled

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The six-strong band of brothers, sisters, and whatever the fuck Kerian was made their way through the door into the corridor which, despite its major problem of only just being wide enough to accommodate Emily's wheelchair, annoyed her most due to its horribly dated and, in some places, visibly dirty decor. As they maneuvered the snaking network of corridors to the lift, they bumped into a short, ginger girl. "Oh hey!" she called out, crouching down so she was at eye level with the girl in the wheelchair. "My name's Nora Valkyrie, whats your name?" Nora asked her, smiling at her in that way you do when a baby is on the verge of crying and you want to shut it up. "Is she able to talk?" Nora looked up at Yang- whose knuckles were clenched tightly around Emily's wheelchair (presumably as her last line of defence against punching Nora for her, admittedly accidental, dehumanising and infantilising of her girlfriend). Yang nodded, not putting any sort of smile onto her face, or in fact any emotion at all. "Well, I'll see you around. Won't I, Emmie? I gotta go do something." Nora asked in a babying high-pitched voice.

After Yang was sure that the butch ginger had passed out of earshot, she bent down until her soft lips were nearly caressing Emily's ear, and whispered, "Sorry. What a bitch, I'll go... sort her out later." Billy piped up from the back. "We're here to go shopping, not do the sexy time, so just go forward!" Yang snapped her head around and gave him a glare terrifying enough to exorcise a mausoleum, before silently marching herself and Emily down the rest of the corridor to the lift. As they got there, it seemed rather apparent that not everyone would fit into the small, metal cell.

"I'll just go down the stairs." Charlie offered. "No you will not! There's quite enough space in here!" Ruby insisted, dragging him in by the cord of his Stetson, so that the six trainee hunter-huntresses and one wheelchair were packed even more tightly into the lift, like sardines in a tin. (Shut up, I know that simile is hackneyed and awful but you do better on six hours' sleep. I DARE YOU!)

At the bottom of the elevator, Yang was the first to exit, pulling Emily out backward so as to make the exit quicker, with the other four following suit hastily, so as to avoid being shut back in the lift when its cold, steel jaws unforgivingly clamped shut. "So," Ruby spoke up, her voice as cheerful as ever, "I think that probably we should get scrolls first, then go clothes shopping, then see if they have any cool other items. Like nail clippers!" She shot a jovial smile at Yang which was reciprocated with an extension of the middle finger of the blonde's left hand. "Maybe me and Emmie could go shopping for a new sister. Who doesn't make lesbian jokes even though she's bumming a robot."
"How do I bum a robot? I'm a girl, and girls don't have dicks." Emily bit her tongue, as she knew Ruby meant no harm with her remark, as incorrect as it may have been. That and, well, only Yang knew her secret- a secret she wasn't quite ready to share with the other five- two of whom were immature (Billy and Ruby), one of whom was team leader and had more to focus on (Charlie) and one who was practically pickling his own organs in cheap vodka and gin (Kerian). Yang shook her head, and tousled blonde locks, and headed off toward Charlie's well-trodden path to the city of Vale, located not-at-all-confusingly within Vale.

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