Public Display of Education

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Emily had made her way to Professor Port's classroom with her knees feeling like they were entrapped in five-inch thick concrete walls- hence why she had been leaning on Lie Ren, who was no more than a passing acquaintance to her, for the final thirty or so steps down. Emily was unsure why the descent had been so difficult on this occasion- she had managed it before just fine with Yang. And then it hit her.

She scrambled in the pocket of her combat skirt, and rummaged around before pulling out her scroll and holding it above her un-made-up face triumphantly- as if it were some great trophy from a successful trip hunting. She quickly pulled it back down to its regular height, and found her way to Yang's contact information in order to call her.

"Hey Yang. My cane's up there, can you bring it down?" Emily began, clearly in some distress as not only was her voice unclear and rapid-fire, but she had even felt it necessary to drop the preambling formalities that preceded any scroll calls she generally made. "Yeah, sure, ok." Yang said, sounding slightly vacant, though this was difficult to pick up through the scroll's tinny speaker. Although Emily could not see, Yang was busy already with the cane, examining the brutalistic craftsmanship in the geometrically perfect semi-circles that formed the serrated blade and in the pinpoint accuracy to the perfectly straight other edge of the blade which, although not sharp, still looked beautiful in that deadly, "kinda wanna caress it but it might bite me" kind of way. A bit like a goth girl.

Yang came hurtling down the stairs with all the power of a heavily caffeinated hurricane and all the elegance of a thirty-five stone woman trying to re-enact Dirty Dancing on a polished laminate floor. That is to say, she had precisely none of it. Nevertheless, she managed against all odds to not throw herself face-first down the stairs, and managed to give Emily her cane-sword like she was some sort of Deliveroo driver straight out of a cocaine-fuelled nightmare.

"Are we late?" Yang asked, a little worried by the lack of people around the classroom, as she usually arrived on time for lesson and no earlier. Evidently entirely unperturbed by both the eerie emptiness of the stone corridor, and the fact that Lie Ren had snuck off to his lesson with Professor Oobleck so incredibly quietly that she had not even noticed nor had chance to say goodbye, Emily looked at her quizzically and simply replied with, "No? It's 8:45. Lesson starts at 9:10."
"So what should we do until then? I get bored easily." Yang explained, the smallest seedling of a strop beginning to germinate on her face. "I have an idea." Emily's paper-white face lit up as her plan formulated in her head.

Before Yang Xiao Long could so much as ask just what the spunky, slightly oddball brunette had planned for the pair, she found herself pressed firmly against the cold stone wall, with Emily's small, stubby hands pushing against her shoulders. "What are you going to do?" Yang asked her captor in feigned bemusement and fear. Instead of providing her answer verbally, Emily pushed her lips onto Yang's. Hard. The two met each other in a glorious explosion of flavour and lust, as they simultaneously opened their mouths to to taste even more of each other's plump, deliciously pink lips.

Emily was the first to make the next move, as she slowly pushed the tip of her tongue into the cavity of Yang's open mouth, ready to explore the inside of her sweating, beautiful lover.

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