"You don't love him and he don't love you. The cheap whore will bleed you dry of your fortune and you're just going to let her. Once that happens what will you do Brax?" Olivia snarled.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and anger travelled through me. I knew that comment had affected Addy as her eyes went blank. She let go of my hand , stood up and walked out of the room leaving me bereft. That was the icing on the cake. How dare she say that about my beautiful girl. I wanted to follow her but I knew she needed to calm down and I needed to tell them what I thought.

"That was uncalled for Olivia! Addison isn't with me for my fortune and she certainly isn't a whore." I snarled angrily. "The only one who will bleed me dry of my fortune is you. You've done it in the past with your last partner Olivia or did you forget to share that bit of information with your parents?" I snapped.

"Olivia. What is Brax talking about?" Her father said with a questioning look on his face.

Nice one Brax!

"Nothing daddy. He's just trying to change the subject and make me look like a bitch." She said fluttering her eyelashes at daddy.

"You're a liar Olivia. Dave, she used Richard for his money. After he had brought her everything she wanted and done everything for her, she left him when he told her he wasn't going to be her fund for her expensive addictions. He never cheated on her like she told everyone. Richard was and is a decent man. That's when she decided to try and get her claws into me and my fortune but I'm not as stupid as I look. When I told her I didn't want a relationship with her she tried to blackmail me. I handed her a one off cash payment of five grand. She saw me at the abused children's charity event to try and get more money out of me. I refused so she showed up here demanding money." I confessed to them. Olivia's face dropped into a snarl because I had told daddy dearest exactly what she's like. The look on her parents faces were of anger, embarrassment and hurt that their daughter could behave and lie like that.

"I'm not putting up with her shit anymore. She has caused me nothing but misery by blackmailing me on something that she has no proof of because what she's blackmailing me about isn't true. Yes, Olivia, I have done my research. My father is on his deathbed, dying of cancer and you wanted to blackmail him and myself over something that was not true. You disgust me, you make me sick and to make matters worse, you have just hurt my girlfriends feelings by calling her names that she isn't. You should all be ashamed of yourselves." I spat. I needed to get out of this room.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find the one person who matters the most to me. And Olivia, I promise you, if you have ruined this for me I will be taking you down and making your life a misery." I walked out of the meeting room slamming the door.

Taking deep breaths I headed to Addison's office only to find it empty. Getting my phone out of my pocket I saw a message from Addy.

I had to get out of there! Stef dropped me off at my apartment. Sorry.

I quickly replied to her telling her I was on my way. Making my way to the car park I got in my car and drove to Addy's. I parked my car and walked up to Addy's first floor apartment. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open. She opened the door and she looked so broken, my heart broke seeing her looking so down trodden. As soon as I saw her, I pulled her into my arms where she crumbled, clinging to me.

"I'm so sorry baby." I whispered into her hair as she shook with sobs clinging to me like a life buoy. I shut the door and guided her to the sofa. I sat down and pulled her into my lap apologising repeatedly. We sat there for a while till she calmed down. Wiping her eyes she looked up at me. "Feeling better." I asked.

"I don't know how I feel." She shrugged.

"You have to know that you are not what Olivia or your father called you. You are far from it baby." I said genuinely, running my fingers along her jaw.

"I have to believe it myself that I'm not but when someone constantly calls you it, you start to believe it." She mumbled brokenly.

"What can I do to help you believe that you're not?" I asked sadly.

"Just being there and loving me is enough." She whispered.

"You are my life now beautiful and I'll never stop showing you and telling you how much you mean to me. I love you Addison." I smiled leaning my forehead against hers.

She cupped my cheeks. "I love you too Brax." She confessed slamming her lips against mine. Within seconds our kiss became heated, the need to breath pulled us apart as my arms wrapped tighter around her pulling her closer to me.

"I want you." I whispered. "Not all the way but I want to explore with you. Please?" She nodded in response. I stood up with her in my arms, walked to her bedroom and placed her on the centre of the bed. From there I made my girl come with my fingers before she fell asleep curled up in my arms.

My mind wouldn't shut off as I laid there. I stared at Addy as she slept. I was feeling blessed that she hadn't pushed me away due to Olivia and her parents horrible words. I did feel bad that I didn't go after her straight away but I knew she needed time to process and I knew I needed to let out my anger before I comforted her. After a while of thinking my mind finally shut off and I drifted to sleep with my beautiful girl in my arms.


The ringing of my phone woke me up. Looking at the caller I.D, it was an unknown number. Answering it sleepily, I listened as the nurse on the other end was telling me that my father wasn't going to make it through the next four hours. My heart broke at hearing this and tears sprang to my eyes as I told the nurse that I was on my way. I woke Addison up as I scrambled to get dressed. With one look at me she knew what was happening, she shot out of bed, grabbed some clothes and threw them on. Once we were ready she hugged me tightly as I held her. "I'm with you." She said softly, repeating the words I had said to her yesterday. Kissing my temple she held my hand in hers as we walked down to my car.

The roads were empty as we drove to the hospital. Well they would be at four o'clock in the morning! Getting to the hospital we rode the elevator to the floor my father was on. Walking into his room, he was surrounded by two nurses. "Mr. Carter we are making him comfortable." One of the nurses said sadly.

My heart broke at the sight of my father. He didn't look like my father. He was a shell of himself, he had lost so much weight, he looked gray and he had lost the little hair he did have left. I walked to his bedside as the nurses left. I held his cold hand in mine as tears ran down my cheeks, I kissed his forehead and stroked his cheek as I sat in the chair next to his bed still holding his hand.

Addy walked over to me and perched herself on my lap putting her hands around my neck holding me close as I cried. She knew I needed her and I was happy she was here with me by my side while I was living one of the worst moments in my life. This is every child's worst nightmare, the loss of their parents. Besides my father who now had hours left of his life I had no other family. My mother and father were both only children and I was an only child. If my parents could have had more children they would have but due to complications my mother couldn't have no more children after me.

Addison being there for me made me love her even more. She was going to be the strength I needed to get me through this nightmare. We had been there for two hours already and I never let go of my fathers hand. He needed to know that I was here, that he wasn't alone. As I was still being held by Addy, I felt a soft squeeze of my hand. As fast as lightning my head turned in the direction of my father who was staring at me, his breathing becoming shallower. "I'm proud of you son. I love you. Take care of him." He rasped out breathlessly.

And those were the last words my father said before he was gone.

Chapter 17 done :)

Sorry for such a long wait guys but here it is! I'm posting on my birthday just for you guys 😘

Woooooo, finally Brax's pov 🙌🏻
I wanted the meeting in his Pov just so we got the end of the meeting! Olivia is a bitch!
Addy and Brax are still together, hopefully it will stay that way!
Poor Brax lost his father 😭

Anyway thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting on my story, it means a lot to me 😘

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