New Recruits

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~Jack's POV~

It's weird. I thought it would be quicker getting out of town but it's actually harder. With the streets being crowded with rocks and debris. We also have to be constantly on the look out for the White Soldiers and some of us are getting very paranoid. We all stayed in one group. I lead them forward, even though I had no sense of direction so Oliver had to point in the direction to go since he didn't have this "disability" it was still embarrassing. We would try to make to the edge of the town of the Blue District before the night falls. That was my plan anyways. Sarah started to complain about her feet hurting around the time the sun was all the way up. We where close to where I lived so I could scout ahead to try and find out what exactly happened to my house.
"Yo Jack, where you going?" Sarah asked right before I was about to leave. I turned around and looked at her. Everybody was looking at me.
"I'm going to scout ahead." I notified. It was kind of funny how everybody was so eager to find of where I was going.
"Right, I'll go with you to make sure you don't run into any trouble." Oliver said stepping into my little plan. I raised a brow.
"Fine." I mumbled and then set out to find an answer to a question. After we were both far enough from the camp that nobody could hear Oliver came up to my side and looked at me.
"I know what you doing. You had to use the "scout" excuse, it made me laugh a little." He had known what I was doing because he knew me to well.
"It wasn't so much of an excuse or lie in fact it was somewhat the truth." I countered. He shook his head and we went on in silence. We came upon my house and it was in pretty good condition comparing it to the others anyways. I jogged across the torn up yard and went to the gate that was but splinters and kindling for a future fire. I came to a door that was locked. I knocked on it and waited. I knocked on it again letting a few moments pass. I knocked one more time and out my ear up to the door and I heard the lock click. I stepped back quickly and waited for the door to open and it did, to reveal my older brother.
"Jackalin?" He whispers dot himself. I smiled and he then burst through the door and hugged me. He picked me up off the ground and hugged my so hard I thought I was to explode. "I can't believe your alive!" He yelled in happiness. He put me down and I raised a finger to my mouth and silently shushed him. "Let's go inside." He suggested. I nodded.
We walked into my house and we saw dust, rocks, dirt, broken glass and other assortment of debris. Besides that it was in fare condition. Husky was locking the door again when I turned around.
"So where is Mom and Dad?" I asked. I was very eager to know. Husky shook his grayish brown hair back and forth and exhaled.
"They took them." My eye widened dramatically and pondered. "They took them the day they arrived. They where about to take me but they asked my age first and then they left me after I told them. It's like I was to young to be taken yet I am almost a young adult." Husky said. I shook my head. It didn't make any sense.
"That doesn't make any sense." Oliver said using his telepathy powers to speak what I was saying (he doesn't actually have telepathy).
"Aye it's true. It doesn't make any sense to take the adults but not the
young adults. What are they planning?" I questioned. I was very anxious to find the answer but I wasn't going to find it by standing here looking dumb. I looked up to Husky, "come with us."
He looked at me weirdly wondering what I was up to now. "Where are you going?" He asked.
"The Red District." I answered. He nodded.
"Aye, I'll come." He agreed. "Now who's 'us' because I don't think it's just you and Oliver over here." He said with a smile.

I lead Husky back to our little camp and introduced him to everybody even though he already knew most of the people. We set off again towards the border and at that time it was about noon. We had to stop again to eat something and rest. We stopped in a garage that seemed to be empty and made ourselves at home.
"So what's the plan we haven't got that much time before dark and we need to sleep. I for one want to stay here and sleep." Cecelia said.
"My plan was to make it to the border before we settled down because the trip to Portland is probably going to take us about a week? And we need to get there quickly." I said revealing my plans. Cecelia nodded and then Husky cut in.
"Jack think about the journey ahead. What trail are we going to take to get to the Red District? And what are the odds that we're going to have a roof and walls to keep us safe in the next week?" He wanted to know so did everybody else. This actually was a lot easier in my head. But now that I think about reality, we should stay here.
"Alright, we'll stay here for the night and rest up a little bit." Everybody gave a sigh of relief and started to unpack. I went I got he corner of the garage and got out a map that I had picked up at Cecelia's camp. I scanned it for possible trails we could take there that are quick and don't give us much of a challenge.

~Katie's POV~

We had finished making a tiny fire and unpacking everything and I stepped outside to look at the sky. It was becoming a pink color that reminded me of one of my houses that I used to play with. I then dismissed the thought and turn to look around to see what environment we where in. Just then I heard barking. I turned to my right and went over to the fence and peeked through a hole in the find boards. It was a sand colored dog that reminded me of Bay. I loved Bay so much and studied his body design and the different spots on his fur that I memorized the pattern. I walked over to the gate near the spot I watched the dog and opened it.
I scanned the area to see if anybody was around. Nobody. . . But the dog. I walked over to the dog and saw that it was tied to a post. I sat down in front of the dog and it came over to me. I put my hand out and it sniffed me. It then licked my hand first then attacked me. It covered my face with slobbery kisses that made me want or cry.
After a few minutes had gone by the dog was now fond of me and sat next to me letting me pet him. I examined the back and it looked just like Bay's line that goes all the way to his tail. His paws where white and had one black nail just like Bay's. I whistled and the dog turned to me and I looked into it's eyes and saw the dark little mark in it's left emerald green eye. I shuddered and spoke, "Bay?" The dog attacked me with kissed again and I knew it was Bay. I knew it. No other dog that I knew had one black claw and that dark fleck in it's eye! I hugged him and I started to cry. I cryer for a good long time with Bay in my arms licking and panting. I was shivering with excitement. Bay went still in my arms and then started to growl. I turned around and saw Arin sitting in a free watching the scene.
I whipped my tears and got up. I untied Bay and walked back into the fence. "Who's the mutt?" Arin asked. I glared at him and kept walking. We walked into the garage and Jack sat up seeing me walk in with a dog.
"A dog?" She asked.
"This is Bay, my dog and he is a now a part of the family."

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