"Good" morning

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"J-" it echoed 

"Jac-" it echoed again 

"Jack!" the voice came clearly. my eyes flashed open to see Sarah shacking me awake. I threw my hands up in protest for her to stop and she threw me against the wall harshly.  

"Cacamas Naofa cad e an ifrean?!" I yelled in Irish. Sarah looked at me like I was an alien and then shook her head laughing. 

"What's with the spani-" 

"It's Irish munch asal." I spat while getting up and cracking my back. "Much better."  

"And I suppose that's Danish." Sarah said with an annoyingly bored voice.  

"Very nice you recognized the change in the language it's Icelandic." I said while brushing my long hair back and out of my face.  

"So anyways we need to develop a strategy of making people leave or approaching intruders. And we need food." Sarah protested. I laughed and then started to think of some good ideas for the strategy.  

"Yes, your right. we should look for a good plan but we need to get across the border of Portland so we can get out of the White Soldiers way and hope that Portland its safe-" 

"What about Seattle it's closer!" Kathrine suggested. I nodded but while pondering the thought it was probably taken under control as well and a lot of people are heading towards Seattle. 

"No, there's probably a lot of people on their way there and it was probably already invaded." I said while shacking me head. Kathrine nodded showing that she understood.  

"Okay todays date is 9-11-**** and well it started yesterday. Okay we need supplies and a giant map or maybe a World Atlas but we are not using google maps." I said while looking to Sarah that was just about to suggest that. "We should find the easiest rout and pack the supplies that we Need for the trip to Portland and we hope that we don't get caught by the White soldiers." Kathrine started to snicker then Sarah then Mina. I noticed I had fallen right into their trap "I"m not rasist. anyways I've said it over a million times by now and Kathrine also called them the White Soldiers!" I yelled somewhat laughing at myself.  

"True but-" 

"True but what?" I asked, she put her hand on the back of her head trying to think of an excuse. 

"Forget it." she came up with instead. We all started laughing again.  

"We should split up into groups with th people that would probably do the best with finding food, and other things along that line." i suggested.  

"Like Mina?" 

"Yes, exactly!" i incouraged. "Mina you can scrounge for food, Sarah you can-" 

"But we have food." she said looking at me with an odd look in her eyes.  

"True but how are we supposed to cook the stuff in the cans?" i asked showing her the dead end. 

"We have sticks and a magnifying glass." Sarah said with an annoyed tone.  

"Yep, this is what we need. Kathrine will come with me, Sarah you can protect Mina and cook some food." I began i waited for the question to come up. 

"Where are we going?" Kathrine asked curiouse to know.  

"The library."

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