Rehabilitation II

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Saturday soon came and I never took my eyes off the clock. My dad kept reminding me that a watched pot never boils, but I ignored his metaphoric speech and kept looking and then when I thought I had the rhythm of the clock my brother Husky came up behind me and scared the crap of if me.
"Ready to go?!" He yelled in my ear. He is the only person that could really lighten your day. I nodded but I didn't smile. We walked out the door and I had a sudden rush of adrenaline. I wanted to run, everywhere.

As I watched my mom leave I walked up the patio with a present in my hand and my sugar skull shirt. I was about to knock on the door when it opened. I stood there with a surprised expression on.

"You made it!" He yelled in excitement. I looked around his house and notices I was the only girl beside the girl standing on the table. She was younger then all of us.
"Who's that?" I asked. He looked me in the eyes but when I looked into his I saw a good life and a perfect story like a fairy tale.
"That's my sister, my little sister." He answered. "Connie get off the table!" he commanded but he was answered by a tongue sticking out of her mouth. A tall women with dark ebony hair and grey streaks appeared in the door way across the room.
"Connie respect your brother." the lady called.
"Hey we should go outside!" Oliver yelled in excitement. There were four other boys and I recognized one of the boys from the playground on Friday. The named dawned on me after I remembered his hair.
"Ben?" I said quietly. We are acquainted but not quiet friends. he stopped and turned to look at me and gave a wave, I waved back. There was another Ben at this party as well and his best friend Ashlan and then another kid that I thought was just odd being at the party but then again why did Oliver invite me? I walked after them but far behind, just the way I liked it.

While we were outside I sat on the hill that was right in front of the white house that he lived in. There was a garden behind me with a giant rose bush that was growing up the house. The boys where playing frisbee but I hated the game so I didn't play. A few minutes after they where done, Oliver said something and everybody looked up to me. they started walking towards me, then it turned into a jog, then a full on sprint. I jumped up onto my feet and did the impossible. I jumped over all of them while they all lunged and landed on the side walk behind them. After a few seconds had gone by I sat back down with me legs crosses like a pretzel. They all turned their heads to look at me in surprise and then started running at me again. I hopped onto my feet again and started sprinting the other way. Before they started playing frisbee Oliver gave me a tour of his neighborhood. I had memorized it all and while I sprinted down the street not being aware of cars I ran down the middle of the road.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled to them behind me. I looked to my left and saw Oliver matching my pace. and jogged ahead and stopped right in front of me. I jumped over him easily but he then matched my pace again.
"We're playing a game!" he said in between breaths. I could run like this forever if I wanted but that's exactly why my parents don't give me sugar (I had a slice of cake outside).
"What kind of game?" I asked.
"We're the wolves." Was all he said. That's all he needed to say I started running ahead again but I forgot to turn in my way out.
"I'm guessing i'm the deer?" I asked just to make sure.
"Yep." He said with a smile. I ran like crazy as I noticed that the other boys where gaining on me. I circled back around to meet Ashlan and Ben#2 at the top of the hill. I ran strait up the hill right into their trap and for once I was actually getting tired. I was bulldozed over by all of them and landed in the grass.

"We win!" Ben boasted. I back flipped back onto my feet and I lightly tapped him on the chin with the tip of my Champions.

"Don't I have to be dead?" I asked then I noticed what I just said and memories started to rush back into my mind on what happened that night. I fell to the ground clenching the sides of my head screaming but there was no sound. The next thing I saw was black. My whole world had turned black. I was standing, no floating in the middle of a black box.

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