Going Home

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It took a little while to find our path again after we strayed from it. But once we found the right street we had to go through the alleys, an abandon house and the rubble of other houses that had been exploded by the bombs that almost made me loose my hearing.
"Are we almost there?" Arin groaned. I was hanging in the back with Oliver and Katie was the leader of our merry band of misfits.

"Almost there!" she said happily. I snorted and then realized how painful it was to walk. I didn't know that I started limping but I was too slow and Oliver took notice.
"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah just tired from walking." For walking all fricken day long! I couldn't wait to just sit down on the couch.

"You sure? Because, your limping."
"I know." I said and kept walking and tried to pick up the limp. As we turned the street, there was somebody standing in the middle of the street. Katie stopped and motioned for us to hide. We all hid behind a trash can.
"Who is that?" Oliver asked. It was a person with a white uniform on and they had a musket. He had a beret and he was the only one.
"Those White bastards are the ones who bombed our home!" I said through gritted teeth.

~Oliver's POV~

She looked mad. And I felt the anger seep into my body and my adrenalin spiked. I stood up and started to run but I tripped over something and I looked down to see and it was Jack's foot.
"Stay down" she hissed.
"You didn't have to trip me!" I said angrily.

"Think Oliver! Think! If one got attacked in a certain place then there would be even more officers and we would have to leave a perfectly good place to hide. Katie, we'll have to go around through the alley." She said and then got up and turned around to walk back down the alley and there was someone at the end of the street. It was a boy around our age, he had his hair in a pony tail and his shirt was ripped at the sleeves and he wore shorts that where torn as well. His right arm had an X.

~Jack's POV~

The X was the thing that caught my eye first. He had blood on his hands and some smeared on his face. He had a mean look, his eye's where wild and they where fixed on me. He came at me running at amazing speed and I raised up an arm and hit him in the head. Blood came out of his mouth and splashed onto my face. After he had fell to the ground I picked him up by the shirt collar and I raised him to my face.

"Who are you?!" I demanded.
"My name is Sam!" He answered and then clawed my arm and I dropped him. He stood up and raised his arm to punch but I caught his eyes and I saw fear in them. True fear.

"Come with us we can get you food and water." I said. He then punched me, square in the cheek. The taste of a rusty liquid came into my mouth and I spit it out as it over flowed my mouth. I put a foot back to catch myself and I whipped the blood off my chin. It was wet and sticky and worst of all it was warm. He came at me again and through a punch I jumped and brought my leg down on his head and he face planed into the cement and I flipped over his body and there was a dent in the road from here his face met the concrete. I bent over and put my index and middle fingers together and checked for a pulse in his neck. I felt the beat of his heart nice and easy.

"He's unconscious but he'll be alright." I confirmed. I picked him up and put him on my back. I took his legs between my arms and Arin helped me put his arms on my neck. I could smell the blood on his hands and it made me gag. "Come on we need to hurry it's almost dark out and there could be more." I warned and we started to run to Sarah's house.

Once we made it to her house Katie opened up the gate and we all walked in. Sam's body was getting heavier by the minute and I could some what smell the food that Sarah and Mina where making. Katie went up to the door and knocked and said, "Yo we're back and we found some more people." Katie kept looking around like somebody was coming and so where the boys.

"What's going on?" I asked. I then heard it too. It was a low hum and It was coming this way. We all looked into the sky and saw the plane. It was a oddly shaped. I went up to the door and started kicking it. "OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!" I yelled and it opened. We all rushed in and took a breath. I laid Sam down up against the wall and I bent over and coughed. Blood rushed through my mouth and it spilled on to the floor. I could feel the heat coming off of the puddle in waves and it made me dizzy and I gaged again having more blood come up and then I fell down onto the concrete floor as darkness flooded my vision.

~Katie's POV~

As we entered Sarah's basement I almost cried when I saw the couch.
"Where have you guys been?!" Sarah laughed with relief. I ran over to the couch and flopped on to it. I looked around after a minute and noticed that they had organized the place. "So? Were where you?" Sarah asked again.

"The library was destroyed by the bombs and-" I was cut off by the sound of vomiting, I sat up and looked at Jack. She was coughing up crimson liquid.


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