Rehablilitation IV

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It's usually known as an accomplishment when your told you did something good. But it feels like a black hole was just carved into your heart when somebody says you've failed but of course it all depends on the situation. You start to get depressed in different ways until your able to live on again and try and work on what you've failed and achieve at that as well. My mind isn't like that though. I plan things out in my brain and then if I can't see my self doing that thing I give up and I don't even try.

~Husky's POV~

She was staring off into space. I blinked and then something seemed to change in her. I don't know what it was I could just feel that she changed. Her body language? Her eye color? I looked her face and it seemed like it started to light up with emotion. Her eye darted to me and we locked eyes. The look of her eye started to change, they weren't so . . . . dull.

~Jack's POV~

Something started to rush into me after he told me that I wasn't fun. My eye sight started to become blurry. Streams of water started to run down my cheeks making them hot. And I started to laugh and cry at the same time. His face lit up in excitement and his expression changed to wonder.

"Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" he said with a laugh.

"That boy Oliver, he changed me Husky! He showed me what fun was! You showed me that I wasn't fun so my heart healed. It doesn't hurt anymore!" I said with excitement.
"Oh." Husky said with surprise.
I had gained a new emotion that was different from the others that made me want to skip with joy and that's what brought me out of the depths of darkness.


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