The Past In Pieces, part II

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"Is that carrot cake i smell?" came an old voice from the other room. It was Papa. Carrot cake was his favorite type of cake and so was my Dad's. Marcy and Dann where from my Mother Joans side of the family, i didn't know much about my Dad Malcome . . . his side of the family. He didn't mention them much and my Mom didn't know much about them either. It was kind of weird only having one Grandma and Grandpa but hey that was life. 

"Yes it is Papa bear! We made it as a welcome home present for our wonderful doctors that fought bravely!" Said Grandma Marcy. I nodded.

"Yeah!" I agreed. 

"I wonder how our beautiful daughter is doing out there, i wonder how many stories she will have to tell about helping people that are in need." Papa said back. He then stepped into the kitchen lifting his nose into the air. He inhaled then exhaled. "My favorite, I'm delighted to have some could we start on the marvelous pastry tonig-"

"Dann Gamta, you know that it is a Welcome home gift for our brave hero's!" Marcy she sounded flabbergasted and sarcastic at the same time. I let out a little giggle that Papa saw.

"What is so funny my little Katherin?" He said with a smile and then crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out and then it went back to normal before anybody else could see. I burst into laughter and had to keep my self from rolling on the floor. Gram wouldn't approve but she laughed because she saw the face to which made me happy. 

"Well how about you go play and relax while i finish up with the cake? I'm sure Papa would like to have some company out in the TV room." she suggested and i nodded my agreement with a smile. I untied my apron and hung it on the coat hanger and then ran into the lounge room to grab Dotus and Midnightflower. As i speed walked into the TV room i have Dotus in my right hand and Midnight in my right hand. I was deep in my imagination,

As Dotus galloped away from the cow boys that wanted to ride them he saw Midnightflower on the opposite side of the cliff. 

"Midnightflower!" he called. He galloped faster and faster as the cowboys gained on him. 

"Go to the rock bridge! That's where you will lose them!" Midnightflower called back. Her cry was calm but he could hear the fear in her call. 

As I made Dotus jump from one invisible ledge to the other he made it to the rock bridge. 

I galloped towards Midnight and we walked around each other both happy to see . . . . each other. 

"Dotus, do you love me?" she asked in a quiet voice. I could tell she was embarrassed to ask such a question but i felt just as embarrassed to answer it.

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" I said back. 

"Because  . . . i don't know but you wanna know something?" She said back to me grinning

"What?" i answered.

"I love you even more then you love me!" She said and then we went galloping over fields of the greenest grass and through the forest with the tallest and most fertile trees in all the hills.

I loved how Dotus longed for Midnightflower's love and they both loved each other more then they expected. I went over to the coffee table, that had drawing paper and crayons everywhere. I set Dotus on the left and Midnight on the right and they both looked as if they where watching me draw. I drew them galloping with each other in the fields and I made sure to put a big, fat, giant heart in the middle of them. 

Grandpa was sitting on the couch reading the paper and i caught him staring at my beautiful artwork. I could draw better then most people, I mean they weren't just scribbles, you could understand them and you could see the story that i was writing just in a different way. It was my best talent. I painted most of the art that was in our little house. 

"What'cha drawen Katie?" Papa asked with a curious tone. He had the sweetest voice i could think of and i loved that, in other words he is a one of a kind grandpa!

"I'm drawing Dotus and Midnight running in a field together." i answered excited at how well it was coming out. As i got closer and closer to finishing the picture it made me to just leap up and play with them some more.

"Oh, are they in love?" he asked with a smile. 

I nodded, "Yeah, they love each other more then they know it!" i answered back. I drew the last strip of grass and i then lifted the picture up and looked at my work. 

"Are you finished?" He waited patiently to see the new addition to the artwork in the hall to every bodies rooms. 

"Yeah! It's awesome! Here look at it!" I said and then handed it to Papa. He took it with excitement and he stared at it for a long time. 

"It's the best yet Katherin!" he commented and he gave it back to me. His whole face was smiling even his eyes. Grama Marcy always told me to look for the smile he showed in his eyes to see how happy he was. They shined like evening stars that had just appeared in the night sky. I took the picture and i brought it to Gram in the kitchen. 

"Gram, Gram, i drew a new picture of Dotus and Midnight! Their in love!" I exclaimed, while jumping up and down. Gram took out her glasses with her flour covered hands and took the picture.

"It's amazing! Oh my goodness Katie! It's gorgeous!" She said back with the same look and tone that Papa used. It made me smile. 

"Okay, you should go to bed now Katie, so your all rested for tomorrow!" Gram said.

I nodded, "Okay!" i ran out of the kitchen and into the TV room to pick up Dotus and Midnightflower so we could all go to bed. As i ran up the stairs into the hall i noticed it was darker then before and a new feeling came into my chest. I stopped and looked around. I walked over to my room and opened the door. My window was open and i watched as the curtains waved as the wind passed by. I closed my door behind me and walked over to the window and pulled it down just a bit so i could still feel the fresh summer air. 

I set the picture on my desk and i set Dotus and Midnight on my baby blue stool i used to hold my water and my two prized possessions. I set them both down and i laid in bed, staring at the sealing. What was this mysterious feeling? i wondered. It made me shutter and i turned over to look at the picture i had with my parents both hold one of my hands and i was swinging in the middle. I remember laughing and i remember their laughs as well but they where more distant, like a memory i couldn't quiet grasp. The laugh faded and everything went dark as sleep consumed me. 

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