Past of the Broken

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"What do you mean?" asked Sarah. I scratched my head and looked at all of them. Katherine was in tears making her green sweat shirt wet, Mina was calming her down and Sarah stood there looking at me like I was some stupid person that just came from a parallel universe.
"I mean I saw these guys with white uniforms on. They were marching through the streets outside with these giant ass guns." I said.
"Those bastards!" I heard Katherine screech. Everybody turned to her. She was usually quiet but not now. Nobody knew about her past all we knew was that she was an orphan.
"What's the matter Katie?" I asked in a low voice.
"They took everything from me those white uniformed rats. Remember World War fourteen a few years ago?" she said trying not to burst out crying again.
"Yes I do, I read about it in Social Studies." I answered.
"Well those deformed pieces of crap took away my parents!" she screamed. Everything went silent. We all stopped letting the words that Katherine just said echo through our ears. She never told us how she became an orphan or why she always kept that bow on that was in the back of her hazel brown head. I couldn't imagine loosing my parents.
"What do you mean took them away?" Sarah asked while breaking the ever lasting silence.
"My father Thomas was killed from loss of blood and infection and my mother Ellia was a nurse in the military. A month afterward there was a rade in the same hospital my mother was in; they killed everybody in the hospital including the injured. I was living with my grandmother at the time." She finished as she looked directly at me.
"But why would they come here?!" yelled Sarah.
"I don't know." I answered. I couldn't think of a better answer then the one that came to my mind. Just then my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and answered it with a "Hello?"
"Jack I don't care what you say or do but just know that I love you. Honey please understand you may very well never see me or dad again and-"
"Mom what are you talking about?" I asked frantically while cutting her off. My hands where shaking from fright a part of me wanted to hear the answer and a part of me didn't but the call was ended quickly with a beeping in my ear. I pressed send again but it was never picked up. I pressed it again and again but it was never picked up it went strait to voicemail. I turned to Sarah, "You have a solar laptop don't you?" I asked.
"Yes I do why?" Sarah asked curiously then she sought out the answer in my eyes. "Yeah it's up stairs." She said while answering my question with out me speaking it.
"Thanks I said." I then ran up stairs again and listened through the door for any sounds. It was quiet. I creaked the door open and went out quickly. Sarah was behind me in a matter of seconds.
"It should be on the table." She said while answering my question again with out me having to ask.
"Are you telepathic?" I asked
"No, I am not." She answered with a smile.
"K." I then turned and saw the silver laptop that was plugged into the wall. "You go find the Solar charger and I'll grab the computer." I said. we then both split up as I raced to the laptop. I unplugged the charger and started to run back down stairs when I heard Sarah's voice yell, "I got it Jack!" I turned around and glared at her and she shrugged. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration and ran back down stairs while Sarah fallowed.

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