37: live results 5🖤

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I woke up in my bed and i took out my phone, tonight was the results ahh. I posted a picture of me last night and captioned it

Please vote on the x factor app or all the calling details are on the x factor page.
I appreciate all the love so much , i love you all xx

I posted it and then got out of bed to get ready for rehearsal, i just wore blue jeans and a white t shirt. I didn't do my makeup and i tied my hair into a messy bun.

When i had done i went downstairs to see everyone waiting on the ubers

"Good morning" i said

"Hello" everyone said

I sat down and looked at my instagram, i saw that Lottie and daisy have both commented. As well as perrie. Me and perrie have got quite close over the past couple weeks

@lottietomlinson: yes go and vote for my favorite girl! Xx

I hearted it and replied

@itsraegan: aww thank you, love you loads lotts! Xx

I then looked at daisys which was cute

@the.daisytomlinson: yess, loved you last night raegs! Please go vote for Raegan she is the best! Xx

It was so cute, i hearted it and replied

@itsraegan: your the best daisy! I love you x

@perrieedwards: yess girl! You were so so good last night! Go vote! X

@itsraegan: ahh thank you so much! Your the bestt x

I smiled and turned my phone off as i saw everyone getting up to go. I joined everyone

I was in a car with Brendan, Anthony, Dalton and Danny

Me Brendan and Anthony in the middle, Dalton and Danny in the back!

We soon arrived and went in to the cafeteria, i got some food and we all sat at one table!

Acacia and Aaliyah came in and sat down as-well!

Soon my boyfriend walked through the door and i smiled, he walked over to the table and pulled a chair up next to Anthony.

He blew a kiss at me over the table, i just smiled. Him and Anthony were chatting about tonight and i was talking to Brendan about his birthday on Friday


Dermot opened the show and announced that we were about to find out who was leaving, we all walked out and separated into out category's

"I can reveal in no particular order, The first two acts through just now are Raegan and dalton" he said, i screamed and hugged the girls no way

I walked of the stage so excited

"The next two acts safe for the time being are Anthony and danny" dermot said and i cheered

They both ran off and hugged me and I congratulated them

"The final two acts safe just now are acacia and Aaliyah and brendan" he said and omg that ment one of the girls was leaving

"That means either scarlett or shan one of you is leaving, the girl with the fewest votes and leaving immediately is .... shan" dermot said and i started crying

We went to a break and i hugged shan crying, after the break tom walker performed

After another break cheryl was on, we all got ready behind the double door and when she was done the judges came back

"Lets welcome back the judges and their acts" Dermot said and Louis walked out with the boys

"Louis and the boys Anthony dalton and brendan! Nile and the last remaining group Acacia and Aalyah! Ayda and the last over Danny! Simon and the girls Scarlett and Raegan!" He said

We walked out and he begun, simon held my hand

"In no particular order the first act through to the semi final next week is Danny" he said and i clapped for Danny

"The next act through is Dalton" he said and i cheered woop

"Then next act safe and into the semi final is, Brendan" he said and i cheered

"The fourth act safe and through is Anthony" he said and i cheered! All louis boys are through but that meant either me or Scarlett were singing off

"The final act safe and through to next week is Scarlett" Dermot said and i cheered

"Ah well done baby girl" i said and she cried

"I love you" she said and i smiled, we went to a break so i prepared for the sing off.

I saw louis coming over to me and he hugged me and kissed my lips.

"You will do amaing, i love you" he said and i pecked his lips

"I love you too" i said and then we went back to the show

Dermot announced me first and i walked out the door and sung Perfect by ed sheeran and beyonce

I hit all the high notes and that so i hope i did enough, i felt a couple tears roll down my cheeks as i walked over to Dermot!

Acacia and aaliyah did amazing, I'm so nervous! They sung bang bang! Agh i cant do this I'm going home.

"Thats a sing off, well done" dermot said as we hugged Acacia and Aaliyah

"Well done Raegan, well done Acacia and Aaliyah, they have done everything they can, only one can return to sing in next weeks semi final, the other leaving the competition immediately now that decision is in the hand of our judges , nile, ayda, louis and simon!" He said and explained the rules

"Simon im coming to you first the name of the act you are sending home"

"Im gonna be honest with you dermot these were amazing sing offs, both of you you both did your best and i dont want to say this because obviously i do want to say it but Reagan you are a star but im sending home the girls" he said and they nodded

"Nile gonna come to you next"

"This is very difficult because you guys both killed it really really amazing um i hate this! I gotta go with my girls i think robbie williams has done a great job with you guys! Im sorry, im really really sorry, i have to send Reagan home" he said and i nodded understandingly

"Thank you, louis gonna come to you next the name of the act you are sending home"

"Yeah i agree with simon it was an amazing sing off, amazing, girls you know im massive fans of your! And Reagan i dont know how your in the bottom two, but going of vocals im going to have to send home Acacia and Aaliyah im sorry" he said and i could tell he felt so bad

I hate thiss!

"Ok ayda if you opt to send the girls home they go home if you or to send Reagan home we go to deadlock"

"Um wow, i really really hate sundays this is a hard one to me because i love both acts! I mean Reagan to me is probably one of the vocally strongest in the competition, im so shocked your in the bottom, the girls yesterday gave their best performance of the competition for them, for me i dont think i can, ok do you know what i am going to have to take it to dead lock" she said and dermot explained the rules before getting on with it

My heart is pounding out my chest right now, i saw Louis it giving me a reassuring look

"This is it the act who received the fewest votes from the public and leavjing the competition tonight is....... Acacia and Aaliyah" he said and i cried for them

That was so close i cant, next week i need to work my bum off. I am not risking it again, i need to do this, i walked of stage and sighed hugging everyone.

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