Part 19: Live shows 2🖤

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Today was the second night of the live shows, we were all up bright and early to go and rehearse, i am quite confident with my performance this week, i really hope everyone does great.


We were now all ready and on the balcony waiting for Dermot to start the show, i am quite nervous but very excited!

The big voice introduced Dermot and he walked out with dancers

"Well welcome to the x factor finals everyone, we are live on itv and your Saturday night starts right here" he said and everyone cheered

"Yes it does, so were back with 14 contestants, everyone give a wave!" He said and we all waved and cheered

"Looking good and ready to prove to you they have got what it takes to win the competition, this week two acts will leave because its a double elimination again" he said and everyone booed

"But first though time to meet 4 adorable show biz darlings who treaded it oh so smoothly last week its almost like they have done it before, its the factor judges" he said and Robbie and Ayda did a little dance, Louis waved and Simon clapped

"Robbie Williams"  Dermot said and robbie did a pose

"Its my pleasure to introduce Ayda Williams" he said and Ayda did a little dance

"Louis Tomlinson !" He said and louis put his hand up

"Mr simon cowell!" And simon waved and gave a thumbs up

"Lovely lovely lovely! Okay lets get right in, tonights theme is guilty pleasures, the acts performing songs they love to sing in private but not to many of you in public, so don't judge them, unless your a judge! And opening the show its the first of robbies groups who have been having a great time staying the the contestants house which is just as-well as we built an extension for them, its the lma choir" Dermot introduced them! I cheered and their tape came on

They did amazing as usual, i was so happy for them all their comments were really positive

(Im not gonna describe all the performances like last time because that took me forever! Ill just say who goes next and how they did up till raegans performance x)

Shan got announced next, i cheered on her, i love that girl! She did amazing which was not surprising, all her comments were fantastic which was great!

We then went for an ad break! Shan and Lma choir came back up

I hugged all the choir and congratulated them, i then hugged shan

"Well done girlie! You did so well I'm so proud!" I said and she smiled

"Aw thank you so much!" She said

Up next was Danny, he was great! I love how different he was from everyone, the comments were good robbie just said he wanted to see something a bit different!

Then up was Brendan who did amazing as usual! He is such a great singer! His comments were good but he got told it was the wrong song choice and he has got to have more energy!

We then went to an ad break and Brendan and Danny came back up, i hugged Brendan first

"That was great, you were amazing" i said and he thanked me then I congratulated Danny too

Up next was misunderstood who i was really excited for which i was right to be excited for because it was so good! I loved it! Their comments from the judges were amazing!

Up next was molly who i was so excited for, the pressure was getting to her which i felt so bad for her, she got so upset over it! She was amazing though, she has got the nicest voice ever! Considering she had to change the songs and she was ill during the week she was amazing! When she finished we all clapped!louis said it was the wrong song which got booed! Ayda did agree but says it was Simons fault! Robbie then agreed and said he wanted her to have fun but everyone said she was amazing and had a great voice.

Love is love (xfactor)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora